Missouri Walking News
BY UNDA SCRiVNER ROGERSVILLE , MO . conformation in the Missouri Foxtrotting Horses . Bill Pickering was the third new board member . Members remaining on the board are : Roy Cooper , Springfield ; Bob Bailey , Lebanon ; O . L . Hall , Springfield ; Dale Sharpe , Lebanon ; Janet Green , Springfield ; Dorrel Hanks and Paul Groom , also of Springfield . This association plans for a bigger and better year for 1968 .
There are two very good horsemen ’ s associations in Missouri that do excellent jobs of promoting horses and improving the shows in the area . The Southwest Missouri Horse Show Association is an all-breed association . This association held their 1967 Awards Dinner at the Kentwood Arms Hotel on Sunday , February 18 . There was a very good crowd and everyone really enjoyed the fellowship . In the Walking Horse division there were four championship trophies given . Rex P . Kreider , Jr . and his great black mare , LIM OUSINE ’ S DELIGHT , won the Grand Championship award in the Open Walking Horse Class . This mare has been practically unbeatable , winning 17 blues out of 19 shows in 1967 .
The Reserve Championship in this division went to Bill Pickering , Jr . of Rogersville and his good PINUP horse . This pair won consistently all season . The Amateur Championship was won by SUN ’ S ROCK- AWAY BOMBER with owner Herbert Mouse of Adrian , Missouri up . Reserve Champion in this division was won by Bill Pickering on his other top horse , SUN DUST ’ S RHYTHM . The Junior Champion was MID NIGHT JET for owner O . L . Hall of Springfield . Reserve went to ROCKY HILL and Morris Collier of Fayetteville , Arkansas . This pair should be hard to
beat in the Amateur classes this season . Three-Year-
Old Champion was MERRY BELL ’ S JUNE , owned by Francis Dulin of Brookline . Gene Henderson ’ s GO
BOY ’ S MARK was reserve in this division .
New officers were elected for the year of 1968 . Bill Kissee of Ozark , Missouri is the newly-elected president . Bill always raises some top-bred horses and he has three Walking Horses in training with Sonny Scrivner at present . KISSIN ’ KIN is a roan mare that was shown by Judy Kissee in Juvenile classes last year . Both horse and rider have improved
and should be a pair to watch this year . In the last two years these two have placed high in 24 out of 26 shows . Bill has two extra-good colts , too ; one is a bay two-year-old by DANNY GO BOY , and the other is a flashy sorrel , SETTING SUN ’ S PLAYBOY , that will sure be ready when the gate opens . The new vice president for 1968 is Rex Kreider , who also has a good two-year-old as well as his champion mare . Mr . Kreider is one who really enjoys horses and rides for the sport of it . Mrs . Evelyn Stone is the secretary . Her husband , Dean , has two young horses that he is riding : a four-year-old mare by MACK K and a three-year-old , SHADOW ’ S PLAYBOY .
New directors for the season are Chester Beshears , trainer at High Haven Stables ; Dwayne Crighton , who raises double-registered foxtrotting and Walking Horses . This is quite common around here , for many
Walking Horses can be made to slow down and foxtrot . The Walking Horses are putting more style and by Dee Smith Route 1 , Box 117 Greencastle , Indiana
Plans are nearly completed for the big Walking Horse Jubilee in northern Indiana , June 22-23 . " Old Man Harvey ” of Michigan City and G . R . Foster of La Porte are sponsoring this show . I will have more information on this next month .
Dr . and Mrs . J . F . Downing are remodeling their hundred-year-old barn which overlooks the Blue River Valley at Morristown , Indiana . Their operation , known as Hanover , is devoted exclusively to the breeding of fine Walking Horses and the young stock there is by MERRY GO BOY and EBONY MASTERPIECE . Dr . Downing was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors at the last IWHA Directors ’ meeting .
George Case , Henry Allenright and my husband , Richard Smith , spent a few days at Shelbyville , Ten nessee in January . They took our SHADOW ’ S JOHN NY REBEL and the Cases ’ three-year-old JIMMY to put in training with Joe and Judy Martin .
REX WATTS STABLES BOX 383 HUDSON , N . C . 28638 PHONE : 704 / 728-3481
for an UPTOWN horse UPTOWN breeding
3-year-old black stallion matching gelding by Tawny Uptown .
Mares , colts and horses to show in aii divisions . Come by and see them .
LES & HELEN PORTER 6444 Hickory Ave ., Orangevale , Calif . 95662 , 916 / 988 2851
66 VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse