Walking ‘ Free and Easy ' by Mrs . Jimmie Gray
Walking ‘ Free and Easy ' by Mrs . Jimmie Gray
First things first , and it ’ s a ' thank you ’ to the ones who have written or called me . Remember , this is your column and if you ’ ll let me know about your stock . I ’ ll be delighted to write about them .
Word has it that Mr . John Mayer of Columbus , Ga . really has something fancy in a four-year-old mare by SUN ’ S BIG SHOT . She is in training at the Joe Martin Stables , with Judy Martin in the saddle . She ’ s solid bay in color , and those who know say she is strictly big time .
J . G . Walker bought a top prospect , a coming twoyear-old by SUN ’ S DELIGHT out of a FIVE MIN UTES TO MIDNIGHT mare . This one is deep chestnut with mixed mane and tail , a strip and one white
foot , and is one of several that J . G , has in training at different stables . C . T . Lunsford is working two geldings for him , a four-year-old by MACK K ’ S PIN
UP and a five-year-old by GOLD SUN . These two are almost identical in color and markings - both sorrel
with crooked strip .
C . T . is also working a great mare belonging to M . A . Magnusson . She ’ s a four-year-old black roan by SUN ’ S ROCKET GO BOY .
It ’ s always nice to hear from Leonard and Cynthia Dunn of Rio Linda , California . From a recent letter it sounds like things are buzzing for them . They have in training one that sounds interesting , a colt by MR .
SYNDICATE out of a CURLEE SPOTTED ALLEN mare . This is one they sold as a month-old colt for an attractive price . They have eight coming two-yearolds of their own that they ’ re breaking .
The Huntland , Tennessee Saddle Club met recently and made plans for their first show of 1968 . It will be held Easter Eve , Saturday , April 13 . This club
sponsored four shows last year and reports great success . Their program will include classes for Tennessee Walking Horses , pleasure classes and quarter horses .
The Leech Stable has several two-year-olds getting ready for the coming shows . SASSY SALLY is the name of an eye-catching two-year-old filly by SUN ’ S DELIGHT and out of SUN ’ S SWEETHEART . This one leaves nothing to be desired in conformation or
gaits . She belongs to A . A . Mabus of Philipp , Mississippi , who owns several other top show horses .
Mr . and Mrs . Benjamin Kotch of New Orleans are proud of their filly , and rightly so . She is also by SUN ’ S DELIGHT , and is a big handsome filly with a big lick .
The R . H . Danner family has a flashy filly in training at Royal Oak Stable . GAY MERRY is a comingtwo black mare with a strip , sired by MACK KAY ’ S
CASTRO . Trainer Junior Anderson is real high on her , as are lots of people . The Danners also have two top yearlings of MIDNIGHT SUN breeding .
If you ’ re in or near Danville , Kentucky , drop by the Gordons and see the two-year-old filly that rumor has
the best in Kentucky . She ’ s by SUN ’ S MIDNIGHT DUKE and her granddam by MERRY BOY . Mr . Lucien Long owns her .
Miss Rachel Smith , young daughter of Dr . and Mrs George Smith of Winchester , is the proud new owner of TWILIGHT SUN . This is a fine big horse , sired bv MIDNIGHT SUN and out of BUD ’ S DAISY .
SPIRITS MASTERPIECE is a three-year-old stallion to watch . He belongs to Mr . and Mrs . J . C . Gullett , and is in training with Tommy Kerkeles . He ’ s black ’ by SPIRIT OF MIDNIGHT , and looks like real bigtime .
DELIGHTS DELOVELY , a great three-year-old mare belonging to the E . G . and Donald Burdens of Tullahoma , is in good shape for the coming season . This one got a late start as a two-year-old and was not shown .
Jean S . Baum Route 1 , Box 250 Ixonia , Wis . 53036
Not long ago we visited George McGilvra at West Bend , Wisconsin and saw his busy operation . A new barn is in the process of being completed . When it ’ s finished , it will be a really nice set-up , with 24 stalls , a working arena of 160 x 60 , plus a nice outside ring . This is being built on the property of , and by , Mr . and Mrs . Fran Winn . The Winns are a very nice family who , along with daughter Barbara , have several horses in training with George . He also has five twoyear-olds that he has well started , three three-yearolds ( a black mare owned by Mrs . Jackie Hanley , and a MIDNIGHT SUN filly and a SHADOW colt ). Some of his aged horses are : a five-year-old stud owned by the Candees of Oshkosh ; a black gelding belonging to Mrs . John Schulenberg of Cedarburg ; a black mare of Dr . Shier ’ s , of Madison ; and the Winns ’ sorrel mare . These horses , plus others coming in and sales going on all the time , keep " Mac ” hopping , but when the first show comes along in May , he ’ ll be ready !
Here ' N ’ There : The question is , will all four mem bers of the riding Oudenhoven family of Green Bay share a horse this year , or will they each have a new one ? ( Except , of course , Mrs . O . - Sally - who enjoys their MIGHTY GO BOY so much .) As we hear it John Krumm will be showing their champion SOU THERN COMFORT this year , while Joan turns into a " groom ” — Phil Kreuger ( Permanent Construction Company ) finds he can ’ t ride two horses at once , so the good INVASION ’ S BIG BOY , a black roan geld
ing , is now for sale — Larry Pickhardt tells us his two-year-old is really coming along , and Mrs . Marge
Bemouski ’ s GO BOY ’ S W . F . SPECIAL , the one Larry showed last year , is already working great this year , so watch out ! Mr . Pickhardt is doing an excellent job as President of WWHA .
In May , a clinic will be held at Nancy Lynn Stables in Grafton , followed by a dinner and maybe a special guest from Tennessee !
62 VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse