GO BOY ' S JET AND NANCY LINDSEY — Showing the form that carried them to many blue ribbons in the show ring . This talented team was well known for their fine performances all over the South .
admission next year at William Wood College in Fulton , Missouri .
Bob ’ s two youngest daughters love horses , and own and ride Tennessee Walking pleasure horses . However , they have not developed the interest in showing horses that Nancy did , and have never show Walking Horses . The mother of the family is the head cheerleader for any horse activity although she does not actively participate .
Many people have heard of Bob primarily through his fine reputation as a judge in many of the leading shows in the country . He has judged such top shows as the Columbia Spring Jubilee , Pulaski , Tennessee , Kentucky State Fair and Dixie Jubilee , and will judge the 1968 California Walking Horse Celebration at Pomona in May .
Bob regards the horse business strictly as a hobby that he enjoys very much . At present he has two horses in training with Joe Webb in Searcy , Arkansas . They have never been shown but will make their debuts in 1968 .
Bob ’ s easy-going manner and likable nature make him a natural around barns , where he spends a good
deal of time . This is one aspect of the horse business that is just about universally shared by all who profess a love of the breed .
For the past few years we have been receiving volumes of mail from our readers seeking answers to questions regarding Tennessee Walking Horses . While we try to " have the answers ” it is sometimes quite obvious that we are not qualified either by education or by experience to answer many of the problem queries that confront us . With this in mind we have established a " Board of Advisors ” to cover four specific subjects . These are : Judging , Horse Care , Training and Breeding . Working with us on these various subjects are : ( 1 ) Judging — Mr . C . A . Bobo , Shelbyville , Tennessee ; ( 2 ) Horse Care — Dr . F . L . Rogers , Apple Creek , Ohio ; ( 3 ) Training — Mr . Wink Groover , Etowah , Tennessee ; and ( 4 ) Breeding — Mr . Steve Beech , Belfast , Tennessee .
All letters with questions on specific subjects will be processed at the VOICE office . We will either call our " advisor ” for an answer or will forward the question to him by mail for his answer . We will print both the question and the answer in the VOICE if we feel that it is general enough to be of value to all our readers . In this column we will also include the name and address of the individual sending in the question .
We hope you will feel free to make use of this service , and will refrain from asking our advisor on Judging about " what horse he would have tied in any particular class at the Celebration .” April will have
the first article of " Questions and Answers About Walking Horses ,” so you can start sending in your letters now .
Mohon Manor Farms in Covington , Tennessee became the early morning gathering place of Walking
Horse enthusiasts at the Mid-South Horse Show ' Association meeting . On Sunday , February 5 , a large group of hungry people converged on this fine farm to partake of the hospitality of Penn and Anne Mohon and their congenial trainer , Sonny Parsons . The weather was fine and there was sufficient hot coffee , in addition to doughnuts and sausage sandwiches , to ward off the cold .
As promised , Sonny brought out some fine stock and worked them for the large crowd . LITTLE MER RY BOY , their fine breeding stallion who has sired his share of top horses in the past twenty-four years , surveyed the situation from his large paddock in front of the stable . It is easy to see the family resemblance in LITTLE MERRY BOY colts , and many of the horses that Sonny worked for us were sired by him . This line-bred MERRY BOY stud puts that natural lick on his get and they all have a distinctive show-horse manner about them .
Sonny has been with Mohon Manor Farms for about six months and has their stock in fine shape . He is working several horses for the Mohons , including their amateur mounts and three good two-year-olds . He also has several real fine prospects owned by outside customers . Watch for Mohon Manor Farms this year ! It is obvious that they know how to train horses
as well as put on an excellent breakfast . We enjoyed this affair very much and will join them again next year .
March , 1968