( Continued from page 21 )
We also hear that GO BOY ’ S BLACK ROOSTER , the 1968 World Champion Three-Year-Old , has been moved from Donald Paschal ’ s to Sam Paschal ’ s stables in Murfreesboro and that a sale is pending here . More later on this !
This prominent stable , owned by the C . E . Hinsons of Sumter , S . C ., has acquired the services of former Missouri trainer Howard Roberts . This young horseman is well on his way to establishing himself as one of the top young trainers in the Walking Horse industry .
Since the arrival of Howard Roberts , the Hinson Stables promises to become the Walking Horse mar ketplace of South Carolina . No less than five major transactions have taken place since November 1 . Howard started the ball rolling when he bought SUN- TIMES BEARCAT from Mr . and Mrs . Elvin Sapp of Columbia , Mo . BEARCAT is one of the top horses to be produced in Missouri and , during this past season , he carried trainer Don Bolinger to victory in the top shows throughout the Midwest . BEARCAT has already attracted some top offers from South Carolina horse lovers , but will be sold only on the condition that he stay at the Hinson Stables . This powerful black fouryear-old stud , plus the great JETS GO BOY SOUVEN IR , gives Howard a pair of fine stake horses to match the best competition .
For Mr . and Mrs . Don Towery of Sumter , Howard bought the fine bay gelding , THE FUGITIVE , to be Mrs . Towery ’ s entry in ladies ’ and amateur classes next season . The Towerys already own one of South Carolina ’ s most exciting horses , the two-year-old stud SUN ’ S T BIRD . T BIRD showed last season six times and six times he came out with a blue ribbon , on his way to becoming the State Champion Two-Year-Old . T BIRD will be campaigned next season with nothing but championship honors in mind and will present a major threat to the country ’ s three-year-old hopefuls .
C . B . Richardson of Lexington , S . C . is the proud new owner of SHADOWS STINGRAY , a handsome three-year-old stud with tremendous potential who formerly belonged to Irvin and Sandy Montgomery of Miami , Fla . STINGRAY has never been shown but will be able to provide stiff competition for South Carolina junior horses next season . He will stay at the Hinson Stables and begin his career under the talented hands of Howard Roberts .
Another proud new owner is pretty eleven-year-old Lisa Teel . Lisa is quite a gifted young rider and will be showing SHADOWS SPRING QUEEN , her new mare , in juvenile and pony classes next season .
Mrs . C . E . Hinson is also sporting a new mount , SATAN ’ S DARK LADY , a beautiful black three-yearold mare who has had very little work but possesses an unusual amount of natural ability .
When you speak of natural ability , you have to men tion SHADOW ’ S DOLLY , a petite black filly that be longs to Stan Crosby and Dr . Fulton McDaniel of Columbia , S . C . She has a lot of motion and needs only to grow a little to be able to challenge any coit in her division .
Howard is also working a pretty little gray mare , LUCKY CHANCE , for Dr . and Mrs . E . B . Funderburk of Walterboro , S . C . This mare is making a great deal of progress and should be ready to show next spring .
No trip to the Hinson Stables is complete without seeing JET ’ S GO BOY SOUVENIR and SHADOW ’ S SUMTER QUEEN go through their routine . It would take several pages to list the wins of this top pair so we will mention only that they are both fat and sassy and should just about be reaching their peaks when next season rolls around .
Whether you are interested in buying , selling , or just watching top horses perform , the doors of the Hinson Stables are always open and visitors are al ways welcome .
Dr . and Mrs . John C . Brundige , Aurora , Illinois , have been purchasing some fine Walking Horse stock . Mrs . Brundige placed third in the large Open Class at Oakbrook on her famous black show mare , WALKING MATILDA . This mare and a three-year-old stud , SUN ’ S CADILLAC , were purchased recently from Calico Farms , Cincinnati , Ohio . Art Titus will bring CADIL LAC out in our Junior Classes next spring . The Brundiges , who have four fine children , have also pur chased LIGHT ’ S MISS MERRY , a ten-year-old roan broodmare , and MERRY JOY E ., who is in foal to Sturgis Taggart ’ s RIDGECROFT ’ S SUN . SUNDUST ’ S PERFECTION , the black filly who won the weanling class at our Wisconsin Walking Horse Association show this year , is another fine Brundige horse .
BLACK WIDOW , Mr . and Mrs . John Krumm ’ s twoyear-old filly , recently won the Indiana Futurity at Frankfort , Ind . She also has won the Indiana Walking Horse Association trophy for two-year-olds . BLACK WIDOW has been sent for training to Luther Hankins in Providence , Kentucky . Luther has been showing and standing Raymond Smith ’ s SUNDUST ’ S FURY this year and has done very well with him . Mr . Smith sent his yearling stud , FURY ’ S GIDEON , to Luther .
Some horses were bought by Wisconsin people at the recent Murray Farm Sale . Mr . Fran Winn bought two broodmares during the beginning of the sale . Mr . George McGilvra found a two-year-old sorrel stud he liked . Mr . Leo Baum and Karen were also at the sale .
The Baum family gave two demonstrations for 125 Seventh Grade students at the Oconomowoc Junior Junior High School as part of the Pilot Program . They demonstrated training techniques of the pleasure show horse .
Glengary Stables is the site of much Walking Horse activity . Glynn Syler , previously the assistant trainer for J . T . and Marianne Leech , is working Mr . and Mrs . Pat Patton ’ s EBONY ’ S SECRETARY , who won the Junior Class at Milwaukee this year . For the J . W . Tolberts , Glynn is working that great stud , SUN ’ S CREATOR , winner of the Open Class at Milwaukee who placed fifth in his class at the Celebration .
Also working horses in this barn is Lonny Temple ton , who has come down from Minnesota with some grade stock to train and show in this area . We under stand that Lonny and his wife , Sue , brought six hor ses with them including a junior horse , CHESTERS WALK AWAY , and a great stake horse , SHADOW ’ S ROYAL HEIR . ROYAL HEIR can be remembered placing so well in the Madison Imperial Horse Show . Lonny will be taking some outside horses , so if you are looking for a trainer with top qualifications , stop by and see him at Glengary .
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse