1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 March Voice RS | Page 42

Good Acres. Rt. 56, Athens, Ohio. Fee $100. Owner Mrs. P. F. Good, Phone (614) 592-1652. Athens, Ohio. SOUTH CAROLINA AT STUD: OUR SUN DUST bv MIDNIGHT SUN: WILSON’S RED MAN bv OLD GLORY’S BIG MAN; GO BOY S GOLDEN BOY by MER­ RY GO BOY: and GO BOY BLACK GOLD by MERRY GO BOY. Mrs. Harold Major. Route 2, Anderson, S.C. Phone 225-8089. Junction of 185 and Highway 178. MERRY BOY’S SECRET—581495— By LITTLE MERRY BOY out of a SOCIETY MAN mare. Standing at Silo Hill Stables, Newberry, South Carolina. Phone (803) 276-2504 for Bill Sledge or night 276-1571 for Guy Whitener, Jr. Stud fee by private con­ tract. TENNESSEE KEENE’S GO BOY — 580065 — bv MERRY GO BOY out of MID­ NIGHT MOON H. Standing at Jack Warren Stables, Spring Hill, Tennes­ see. Stud Fee $100. Phone 486-2656. SHADRACK — 580858 — bv GO BOY’S SHADOW out of MY WILD FLOWER. Standing at Russell Pate Stables, Rossville, Tennessee. Owner Mr. J. D. Faulkner, Kennett, Missouri. Stud Fee $150 Phone 853-2796 or home 853-2309. MIDNIGHT AT TOPSIDE—540694. Bv MIDNIGHT SUN out of MAR- COT BROWN ALLEN. Standing at BGih'ue Manor Stables, Nashville, Term. Call Bill Reeves, 352-0613. Fee: Private l::-eaiv. Owners: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reeves. ' HUDE'S MASTERPIECE — 601032. By PRIDE OF PANOLA out of TENSAS RHYTHM GAL. Standing at Bud Dunn Stables, Florence, Ala­ bama. Owner Ben Beckham, Jr., Phone Birmingham, Alabama TR-9-3224 or 879-3176. Stud fee by private treaty. SUN’S BLACK DIAMOND—530775 Bv MIDNIGHT SUN out of GOW- EN’S LITTLE LAD. Standing at Chahners-Davenport Stables, Hum- Boldt, Tennessee. Fee $100. Owners E. A. Click and Tom Anderson, Coving­ ton, Tennessee. TEXAS RISING SUN C. C. —590172 —by MIDNIGHT TRAVELER, Dam BROADWAY ROSE by Wilson’s Al­ len, Jr. Granddaughter of LAST CHANCE. $100 at time of service with 42 return privilege in season. John Sharp, Garland, Texas. Tel. BR 6-6657. Rt. 2, Holford, Road. VIRGINIA SUN’S TOP MAN —530714 —Black Stallion bv MIDNIGHT SUN 4107 51. Out of MARY ANN YOUNG 461107 bv MERRY BOY. Fee $100.00. Stand­ ing at Walkaway Stables, Luray, Va. Call Bill Sloat, Stanley, Va. Prospect 8-2784. GO BOY'S JIM DANDY—570571. Bv MERRY GO BOY 431336 out of MARIGOLD CHANCE 491362 by LAST CHANCE 350034. Standing at Breezy Hill Farm, Haymarkct, Vir­ ginia/(703) 754-4674. Fee: $100—live foal guaranteed. Owner; J. D. Stokley, Falls Church, Virginia, (703) CL 6-5452. BUDDY HANCOCK — 630876. By BUDDY LEE: Fee: $100 with return privilege in season. Woodland, RFD 1, Box 230, Charlottesville, Virginia. Owner: Dr. James C. Andrews. [Continued from page 34) FOR SALE—Registered Tennessee Walk­ ers, all ages and colors. WILSON ALLEN and MERRY BOY breeding. Contact PEARL TOMPKINS, Elmo, Montana. FOR SALE — Registered Tennessee Walk­ ing Horses with HILL’S PERFECTION, MID­ NIGHT SUN, MERRY BOY, and GIOVANNI breedfng. Here is your chance to get HILL'S PERFECTION blood lines. We have 30 to 50 Walking Horses for sale at all times. Brood mares, pleasure horses, and show prospects. Also top young stallions by SUN’S MERRY MAN by HILL’S PER­ FECTION by MIDNIGHT SUN. Also have top young walking pony stallion at stud. MERRY MANS FLYER M. sired by MERRY MAN by HILL’S PERFECTION. Visitors always welcome. Contact Calvin, Maxine, or Wade Miller, Double Diamond Ranch, Rhame, North Dakota 58651. Telephone 279-3420. FOR SALE: Two MIDNIGHT SUN colts. A beautiful black filly with excellent con­ formation. MIDNIGHT NANCY was foaled Oct. 18, 1965. By MIDNIGHT SUN out of GRAY GIRL, granddaughter of LAST CHANCE. Also for sale the last filly sired by MIDNIGHT SUN. This filly was foaled September 19, 1966 and is MIDNIGHT’S LAST DAUGHTER. Her dam is also GRAY GIRL. Contact Irvin S. Smith, Rt. #2, Lynville, Tennessee. Phone 527-3523. SELLING OUT: Reason age and healtf Bloodlines of MIDNIGHT SUN, PRIDE 0 PANOLA, and LITTLE MERRY BOY. Ir eludes two stallions and four broodmare guaranteed in foal. Also two yearlings two year old colts, 3 three year olds’ H°Ur, year °,ds- A!I Phced to sell. Ind'iv dual breeding on request. Contact J. Mac Jones, P 0. Box 443, Port Gibson, Mi: sissippi. Phone 437-5565. FOR SALE: Two beautiful black mares. Seven-year-old by MIDNIGHT SECRET in foal to SON OF MERRY GO BOY. Two year old filly by MIDNIGHT BEAU out of the above mare. Reasonably priced. Con­ tact W. B. Duncan, 1476 Elwood, Pomona, California. FOR SALE: Registered Walking Horse stal­ lion coming three-year-old. MERRY BOY breeding and a top show prospect for this season. MUST sell at once. Contact William R. Lee, M.D., Ducktown, Tennes­ see. Phone 5231. FOR SALE: Registered Tennessee Walking Horses with top blood lines. Both plea­ sure and show prospects. Also brood mares and one daughter of MERRY GO BOY. Contact Mr. or Mrs. Keith Hootman, Keosauqua, Iowa. Phone 293-3386. FOR SALE: A beautiful four-year-old stal­ lion chestnut roan with four stockings, blaze, and a flax mane and tail. He had some training. Sired by the world cham­ pion MIDNIGHT SECRET and the dam is a granddaughter of MERRY BOY and WIL­ SON ALLEN. Contact G. C. McEveen, Kingman, Kansas. FOR SALE: Three aged mares — 2 five year olds, 1 six year old. All fat and ready to show. Broke for an amateur. Contact Rufus Cashion, Rt. 1, Belvidere, Ten­ nessee or phone Winchester, Tennessee 615/967-4806. FOR SALE: Yearling filly, dark bay by GO BOY'S SHADOW and out of a WILSON ALLEN mare. This filly has an especially nice head and ears and is gentle enough for any child to ride. Contact Larry Low- man, Walk-A-By Stables, Rt. 3, Murfrees­ boro, Tennessee. Phone 896-1589. FOR SALE: Going into the thoroughbred business, bargain band of top registered Tennessee Walking Horses. Two identical twin palomino mares suitable for pleasure classes, trail, parade. One due to foal in May. Yearling stud colt, royal blood lines, MIDNIGHT SUN, MERRY GO BOY, and all have plenty of ALLEN. $3500 takes all. Contact James D. Johnston, Rt. 4, Box 164, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22901. FOR SALE: Two show mares, amateur trained. Full sisters, five and six years old. Sire, CHAMPION COTTON GINNER. Dam CITY MISS out of Grand Champion CITY GIRL. Show ready. Contact Walter C. Jenvey, 4364 Keller Road, Holt, Mich­ igan, Phone 694-8731. FOR SALE: Out of state business forces complete disposal of all Registered Ten­ nessee Walking Horse stock. Three year­ lings included. A MIDNIGHT SUN bay roan filly that is a top show prospect. A GO BOY’S SHADOW bay filly that placed ninth in the national futurity last year. A BUCK DUST M R filly that is real fine. Two two-year-old fillies, big and loose and ready to go. One black one bay. Also one top brood mare with BRANTLEY'S ROAN ALLEN and MERRY BOY breeding. A 10 year old bay roan in foal to SPIRN OF MIDNIGHT. Colt due in May. Must sell these fine horses and will accept your offer. Contact M. C. Gray, High Hope, Bell Buckle, Tennessee. Phone 275-4851- VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse