Tommy Howell
TRAINER 302 : 378-2934
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GO BOY ’ S REBEL — 57442 . By MERRY GO BOY out of MERRY QUEEN KAY by MERRY MAKER . Standing at Hawkcye Melody Walking Horse Stable , owner Dwight Hcltibridle . Grundy Center , Iowa . Phone 515 / 366-2098 .
MERRY GO TRAVELER — 580913 — by MERRY GO BOY out of a Hunter Allen Marc . ALLEN F-l FIVE TIMES ON PEDIGREE . FEE : Private treaty . Guaranteed live foal , fee not payable until foal is one week old . Book your mares now for 1967 . Pictures available showing outstanding quality of his colts . Helen MvGreevy Stables , 9607 Old Brownsboro Road . Louisville , Ky . 40222 .
MACK K ’ S REPLICA — bv MID NIGHT K out of WILSON ALLEN marc . Fee : Private treat . Limited number of approved marcs . Stud Fee payable AFTER LIVE FOAL . Helen McGreevy Stables , 9607 Old Brownsboro Road , Louisville , Ky . 40222 .
MIGHTY SUN — bv MIDNIGHT SUN out of MERRY MIDGE . Standing 1966 season at Brown Walking Horse Stables , Albany , Ky . Phone 387-5389 , Don Galloway , Mgr . Trainer . Fee : $ 100 with return privilege . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . J . R- Lewis , Georgetown , Ky .
LOUISIANA GO BOY ’ S WILDCAT — 631479 . By MERRY GO BOY out of CAROLINA MIDNIGHT . Full brother to 1964 Weanling Champion of the World and 1965 World Champion Filly Yearling . SUN ’ S SCATBACK — 630721 . By SUN ’ S QUARTERBACK ( sire of TRIPLE THREAT ) out of MISS SE CURITY by GO BOY ’ S SECURITY ( 1964 Get of Sire Champion ). $ 50 cither stud with return privileges . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . Reid Estess , Jr . Contact : Estessa Stables . Kentwood . La . Phone 7602 .
GO BOY ’ S SENTINEL - 591236 . By Merry Go Boy 431335 out of Sun ' s Glo 500611 ( daughter of Midnight Sun ). Standing at Valley Dale Farms , 11348 Miller Drive , Galesburg . Mich . Phone Kalamazoo evenings , FI 2- 5370 . Fee : SI00 with return privileges . Owners : Dr . and Mrs . Russell Hayner , 718 Royce Avenue , Kalamazoo , Mich .
MACK K ’ S MAM BO — 570045 . By MIDNIGHT MACK K out of a double WILSON ’ S ALLEN mare . Fee $ 100 . Standing at Woodlane Farm . RR 5 . Box 123A , Stillwater , Minnesota . Phone 439-3987 ( area code 612 ). Evenings and weekends .
BLACK SOUTHERNAIRE — 571368 . Bv SUN ’ S BLACK MAGIC L . M . out of DAISY HUNTER by HUNTER ’ S ALLEN F-10 . Owners : Mrs . Will C . Terry and Miss Sharon Terry . Standing at Sharon Terry Stables . Cleveland , Miss . Call 843-4602 . Fee : $ 100.00 .
CAVETT ’ S MERRY GO BOY — 612270 — Color black . Bv MERRY GO BOY out of MILLER ’ S LADY JOE ( out of Miller ’ s Wilson Allen , Giovanni mare . Fee : $ 50.00 . Return privilege thru 1968 . Standing at M . W . Putnam Stables , Calhoun City . Miss . Phoneoffice 601-628-5175 , home 601-628- 6355 . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . Emmet D . Cavett . phone — home 205-822-1901 , ofice 205-879-0538 , Birmingham , Ala .
GO BOY ’ S CHOICE BOY - 601871 . By Merry Go Boy out of Choice Bay Lady ( a Merry Maker mare ). Standing at D & W Tire Company , Philadelphia , Miss . Phone : day , 656- 2421 ; night , 656-3396 . Fee : $ 50 , with return privilege . Owner : Buddy Dees .
MIDNIGHT ROCKAWAY — 560065 . bv MIDNIGHT SUN out of JA- NELLE ’ S PRIDE by NEELEY ’ S MERRY BOY . Standing at L . E . Smith & Son Stable , Lceton , Mo . Phone 653-4768 . Fee : $ 50 , with return privilege in 1966 . Owner : L . E . Smith .
WALKING GO BOY — 591061 . By MERRY GO BOY . Standing at Rainwood Stable , Inc . Owner : Jim Torrens , 10808 Rainwood Road . Omaha , Neb . Call 391-5755 or 391-9976 .
SOUVENIR ’ S JET by GO BOY ’ S SOUVENIR ( by Merry Go Boy ). A Blue roan stallion with black stockings , mane and tail and a big strong lick . No doubt one of the finest in the east . Contact Glenn Burdick , 315-458-3538 residence or 458-0224 office . No ., Syracuse , N . Y . 13212 .
PLEASURE ’ S MERRY BOY — 571484 . Bv MIDNIGHT PLEASURE R . G . out of GRACE ’ S ROANY AL LEN Grandsire MIDNIGHT SUN with MERRY BOY the grandsire of the dam . Standing at Brady Stables Inc .. Old Mountain Road , Statesville , North Carolina . Stud Fee by private treaty . Contact John Kistler , Trainermanager .
SHADOW ’ S HEADMAN — by GO BOY ’ S SHADOW . Standing at Lakeview Farms , Hickory , N . C . Fee $ 100 . Return privilege within the calendar year . Dav phone 327-2479 night phone 256-2590 .
PERFECTION ’ S SON — 630113 — A natural head shaking stallion . Son of RODGERS PERFECTION out of ADMIRALS LITTLE SUE by AD MIRAL GLEAVES . Fee $ 75 . Owner G . W . Stewart , Marshville , North Carolina . Phone ( 704 ) 624-2978 .
GO BOY ’ S ROCK n ’ ROLL — 570617 — Bv MERRY GO BOY out of RAY ’ S FLOWING STREAM . Standing at
MARCH , 1967