1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 March Voice | Page 9
We are closing our Tennessee Walking Horse
stables in Guntersville, Ala., and we are
offering the property for sale or rent. This
is an opportunity to step into a business
we have established during the past three
years. Property is located 8 miles north of
Guntersville on Highway No. 79.
Consists of 46 acres with a 2-acre lake,
upper and lower pastures, two riding rings.
All under fence. Lake is fed in summer by
a pipeline from the nearby TVA lake. Our
lake is stocked with bass and bream. Two
acres of hardwood trees furnish shade for
brood mares and young colts in summer.
Our main barn has 24 stalls with a hall 317
feet long that is ideal for indoor riding
when the weather is disagreeable. Hay loft
holds 6000 bales with an opening over each
the field of agriculture, thereby en
hancing the health and happiness
of mankind.”
"A staff of about six experts
in their fields will conduct the
lectures and laboratories," said
Dr. Alexander. The course will
include nutrition, genetics and
physiology, health, care and
handling, judging, equitation,
Dr. Ensminger was for 21 years
chairman of the Department of Ani
mal Science at Washington State
University and preceding that he
was on the staffs of the Universi
ties of Massachusetts and Min
nesota, and the U.S. Dept, of Agri
culture. He is author of six books
and innumerable articles.
Since 1947, “Dr. E.” has served
as consultant for General Electric
Company Nucleonics Dept. (Atom
ic Energy Commission). He de
scribes himself as an “agricultural
Big Demand For Course
While at Washington State, Dr.
MARCH, 1965
stall for easy feeding. Automatic water to
each stall. There are three wash rooms and
an electric walker. Tack room adjoins black
smith room. Each stall is wired to a fire
alarm system with a large automatic pump
that supplies wafer from our lake to the
hydrants. Extra barn and lot for brood
mares. The 9x12 office is airconditioned and
a private dressing room adjoin. Tractors
and other outside machinery are kept in an
enclosed area in the barn.
Manager's residence contains three bed
rooms, bath with tub and shower. Living
room, kitchen-dining area with airconditioner.
Central heat using natural gas. Three years
old. Well with electric pump and large filter
ing plant supplies pure water to residence
and the stalls.
E. originated and directed a short
course on horses and other farm
stock which was so outstanding and
timely that there has been imme
diately a great demand for more
like it all over the country.
In his monthly "Horses, Horses,
Horses" column in the November
issue of the Morgan Horse, the
author reported that he had
learned there was no such
thing as a "beginner" among
horsemen. No matter how
"green," the would-be horseman
considers himself an expert.
Dr. E. made this discovery only
this year when he scheduled a six-
day Horse Science School for be
ginners, followed by a four-day
Advanced Horse Science School
for the more experienced. The be
ginners were offended to be called
“beginners,” while the experienced
shuddered because some rank ama
teur might enroll in the advanced
Attention! Agriservices' Horse
Science School is not a clinic. It
is a school, substantial enough
for college credits.
We welcome calls or visits from parties that
are interested in inspecting the property or
in learning more about our setup here. We
are located in an area that contains many
owners of Tennessee Walking Horses.
Curtis DeLamar, day or night
Phone 582-3281
Owned By
Southern Newspapers, Inc.
Route 4, Box 98
Phone 582-3281
Guntersville, Ala.
For further information on the
above or on the MTSC’s own
Equitation and Care and Training
of Horses credit courses, write Dr.
Alexander, Middle Tennessee State
College, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
(Continued from page 3)
OF THE T.W.H.B.&E.A. and all
others interested in the future of
the breed, to make plans now to
attend these sessions.
In a recent article Dr. Ensmin
ger pointed out that he had made
a mistake recently in setting up
two (2) classes at one horse school.
One was for beginners and one
was for the experienced horseman.
He found out that there are no
beginners in the horse business!
I am sure that many of you have
been in the Walking Horse busi
ness all your lives and just might
feel that there is nothing new that
you can learn about horses. This
(Continued on Page 12)