1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 March Voice | Page 10

EQUINE INDUSTRY ( Continuued from Page 8 )
3 . Operate for spectators , as well as for exhibitors ; otherwise , you ' ll have an empty grandstand . To attract spectators , there must be — ( 1 ) Color ; as obtained through presenting the flag and playing the National Anthem ; the use of a costumed bugler ; formal dress of all officials in night shows ; and through having colorful events like an Arabian Mounted Costume Class ; Gay “ 90s Morgan Class ; Appaloosa Indian Mounted Costume Class ; etc . ( 2 ) Action ; keep moving . ( 3 ) Timing ; no show should be over 2V4 hours long . ( 4 ) Crowd appeal , which necessitates ( a ) eliminations in big classes , ( b ) conduct of the less glamorous classes before a non-paying crowd , and ( c ) variety .
( 5 ) Special events that are unique .
4 . Select judges of unquestioned honesty and integrity ; and avoid those whose chief interests are “ wine , women , and song ,” or personal obligations .
5 . Hold a judging school in conjunction with the horse show ; operate them as twin events . This ( 1 ) adds to the educational value and ( 2 ) provides a logical way in which to handle the judging of halter classes . Where a judging school is held , use officials who can give good reasons .
Race tracks are owned by people , and most people are in business to make money . Thus , there can be no quarrel over the important place that the mutual windows occupy with most track owners . I do feel that altogether too many track owners are prone to starve the goose that lays the golden egg . Except for paying purses , just how much good are they doing for the light horse industry ? We Need More and Belter Education Pertaining to Horses
No industry is plagued by as many fads , foibles and trade secrets as the horse business . Many horses are still castrated and weaned by the moon , fed some mysterious potion , and doctored by witchcraft — to mention only a few areas . It is my contention that education is the best , and the only , way in which to rectify this situation . Here ’ s why ? Well informed people call upon the family doctor when human ill health is encountered ; whereas backwoods people resort to fads , foibles and trade secrets . Hence the following needs :
These boys and girls will be future horsemen ; hence it is important that they be well trained , to the end that they become good horsemen . Also , boys and girls are our best products ; and there is a well known axiom that if a youngster has a horse and knows how to care for it , he or she won ’ t get into trouble . I commend Rutgers in assigning % time of an extension staff member to work with 4-H horse clubs . WE NEED COLLEGE HORSE PROGRAMS
Most college programs passed out with the demise of the draft horse . In my judgment , there is a crying , but unfilled , need for college light horse programs ; embracing the following in animal science , although equitation may be taught in P . E ., and the horse disease and parasite instruction and research should be in veterinary medicine :
1 . College level courses in — ( 1 ) Equitation . ( 2 ) Horse Management . ( 3 ) Horse Science and Farrier Science on an area basis ; that is , these need not be in every college . 2 . Research on horses . 3 . College light horse establishments for —
( 1 ) Training students in the production and management of light horses ,
( 2 ) Providing instructional material for visiting FFA and 4-H club members , adult breeders , and horse enthusiasts .
( 3 ) Conducting fundamental and applied research of importance to the light horse industry ,
( 4 ) Giving impetus to the nation ’ s rapidly expanding light horse industry .
4 . Summer placement and training of students on light horse establishments , as a means of imparting practical application . Among the opening for horse-oriented college graduate are : ( 1 ) Horse production , training and management . ( 2 ) Selling horse feeds , pharmaceuticals and drugs . ( 3 ) Horse associations and magazines . ( 4 ) In communications , especially in horse sports . ( 5 ) Girls who are proficient in shorthand and typing ( in addition to their training in Horse Science ) as secretaries to executives in horse work and in the area of communications .
Generally speaking , I have received excellent support from all segments of the light horse industry on the two unique horse schools — the Horse Science School and the Stud Managers School — which I direct . There are a few , however , who still sleep beside the still waters . Nevertheless , Agriservices Foundation , the nonprofit sponsor of these Schools , is greatly encouraged , and is moving ahead on a long-time program . It would be my pleasure to augment Rutgers ’ short course program by holding the Horse Science School in the State sometime in the future .
There is a paucity of authoritative , and well written , literature pertaining to horses . WE NEED MORE HORSE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
Factual information is the first and most important requisite in any business or problem . My problem solving approach , as a scientist and consultant , is this : ( 1 ) What are the facts , ( 2 ) What are the pros and cons , ( 3 ) What is the recommendation , and ( 4 ) What is the decision .
A recent report revealed that the following man years ( One man year refers to one person working an entire year ) were devoted to U . S . animal research in 1961-1962 :
Dairy cattle _________________ 235.9 Poultry _____________________ 184.1 Beef cattle _________________ 124.6 Swine ______________________ 95.6 Sheep and goats _____________ 63.0 Fur animals ________________ 9.9 Horses _____________________ 0.9
It ’ s small wonder , therefore , that the “ unknowns ” far outnumber the “ knowns ” when it comes to horses . In horse nutrition , for example ,
( Continued on Page 13 )
10 VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse