BLACK DUST M . H .— 510391 — by MERRY BOY out of MARY HENDER SON by ROAN ALLEN F-38 . Standing at Sain Stables , Bell Buckle , Tennessee . Fee : $ 100.00 at time of service with return privileges . Call 275-3891 . Owner : Sain Stables , Bell Buckle , Tennessee .
SUN ’ S MIDNIGHT DUKE — 621956 — by MIDNIGHT SUN out of MERRY HONEY GOLD ( granddaughter of MIDNIGHT SUN ). Standing at Harlinsdale Farm , Franklin , Tennessee . Call Mr . Harlin Hayes ( 615 ) 794-4414 . Fee : $ 100.00 . Owners : Elkhorn Stables , Mr . and Mrs . Gordon H . Wilder , Lexington , Kentucky .
SUN ’ S GO BOY — 500730 — by MID NIGHT SUN , 410751 out of JOSIE R , 472509 . Standing at Midnight Oaks Stables , Shelbyville , Tennessee . Fee : $ 100.00 . Owner : Mrs . L . E . Harris , Mc Minnville , Tennessee .
GO BOY ’ S CHEERLEADER — 560936 — by MERRY GO BOY , 431336 out of BROWN ’ S PRETTY PAT . 481273 . Standing at Midnight Oaks Stables , Shelbyville , Tenn . Fee : $ 100.00 . Owner : Mr . H . J . Combs , Calhoun , Georgia .
HAPPY DAYS K .— 520009 — by PRIDE OF PANOLA , 431453 out of MAUDE WILSON FROST , 430315 . Standing at Midnight Oaks Stables , Shelbyville , Tenn . Fee : $ 100.00 . Owner : Armstrong Loan Service , Baton Rouge , Louisiana .
JUNE ’ S MERRY BOY — by JUNE SUN out of MERRY BOY ’ S LILLIE . Standing at Halacre Farms , Vonore & Sweetwater Road , Sweetwater , Tennessee . Phone 337-7512 . Fee : $ 50.00 when colt comes . Owner : J . S . Howell , Englewood , Tenn .
WILSON DEAN CHOICE — by WIL SON DEAN out of SNIP ’ S CHANCE . Standing at Halacre Farms , Vonore & Sweetwater Road , Sweetwater , Tennessee . Phone 337-7512 . Fee : $ 100.00 at time of service . Owner : J . S . Howell , Englewood , Tennessee .
MIDNIGHT SUN GLO 0 — 560574 — by MIDNIGHT SUN , 410751 out of G- NILA ’ S BONNIE , 462063 . Standing at Elmore Brock Stables , Sparta , Tennessee . Phone 738-2594 . Fee : $ 100.00 . Owners : Brock & Officer , Sparta , Tennessee .
TOM DOOLEY — 590487 — by SOCIETY MAN out of NELL BRADFORD . Standing at Haynes Haven Stock Farm . Spring Hill , Tennessee . Mr . Alton ( Junior ) Pierce , Trainer and Manager . Call 615-486-2662 . Fee : $ 100.00 with return privilege . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . Roy Dorsey , Atlanta , Georgia .
SUNS TRAVELER — 481921 — by MIDNIGHT SUN 410751 , out of NOB- LITTS QUEEN ALLEN 401266 . Standing at Fessey Barn , Brentwood , Tennessee . Call 291-5063 . Fee $ 100.00 . Owner : Earl Fessey .
BOYCE ’ S BILLY SUNDAY — 550540 — by CAPTAIN EDDIE by MERRY BOY . 1st Dam FLAXEN FLO by MILLER ’ S WILSON ALLEN . 2nd Dam LADY STAR LIGHT by ROAN ALLEN F : 38 . Standing at R . C . Boyce Stables , 7 miles west of Shelbyville , Tennessee on Hall Mill Road . Phone 294-2743 . Fee : $ 50.00 .
MERRY BOY ' S CADILLAC — 510316 — by MERRY BOY out of JACKSON ’ S JANIE by HILL ’ S WILSON ALLEN by WILSON ’ S ALLEN . Standing at R . C . Boyce Stables , 7 miles west of Shelbyville , Tennessee on Hall Mill Road . Phone 294-2743 . Fee : $ 50.00 .
CHIEF WABASH — 570355 — by MID NIGHT SUN out of MOONLIGHT ROMANCE by GOLD BOND . 2nd Dam JUNE KNIGHT by GIOVANNI . Standing at R . C . Boyce Stables , 7 miles west of Shelbyville , Tennessee on Hall Mill Road . Phone 294-2743 . Fee : $ 50.00 .
by |
MY- |
NETT ’ S |
SON ’ S ALLEN out of MERRY SUE by |
BOY . Owner : A . |
B . |
Cole . |
P . O . Box 249 , Bowie , Texas . Standing |
at Cedar Lane Ranch , located 2 miles |
north of Bowie on Highway 81 . |
BEAU ’ S TONNY B O Y — 640465 — b y PARKERS GLORY BEAU out of BUD ’ S ROSITA . Standing at Ponderosa Ranch , Box 312 , Sterley Station , Lockney . Texas . Phone OL 4-3105 . Fee : $ 100.00 . Owners : Viola and W . B . Mullins .
VIRGINIA B . MAJOR WILSON — 530658 — by MID FLY , 453260 . Standing at Lawn Vale Farm . Gainesville , Virginia . Phone 754- 7575 . Fee : $ 250.00 , live foal guaranteed . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . E . Carl Hengen .
GO BOY ’ S JIM DANDY — 570571 — by MERRY GO BOY , 431336 out of MARI GOLD CHANCE . 491362 by LAST CHANCE 350034 . Standing at Mario Farms , Port Republic , Virginia . Call William C . ( Bill ) Loomis , Jr ., Harrisonburg , Virginia 289-5062 . Fee : $ 100.00 . live foal guaranteed . Owner : J . D . Stokely , Falls Church , Virginia .
BUDDY HANCOCK — 630876 — by BUDDY LEE . Fee : $ 50.00 with return privilege in season . Owner : Dr . James
C . Andrews , Woodland RFD # 1 , Box 230 , Charlottesville , Virginia .
STANDING AT ........
CALL ................................ FEE .
TRADE MARKET FOR SALE 2 yearling fillies . Dark Chestnut , strip , one has two white socks . Out of proven mares . Especially
nice . 1 yearling stallion . Chestnut with light mane , strip , 2 socks , stylish , good action and size e out of champion mare . 1 -2 year old black stallion , beautiful conformation and action . Successfully shown at halter . Gentle but has fire . 1-3 year old bay roan gelding . Excellent show prospect . Bold powerful way of going . 5 months
of training . Gentle . All above are by THUNDER BIRD — Twice champion at The Celebration Breeders Futurity , as weanling (’ 43 ) and yearling (’ 44 ). 1-6 year Chestnut mare to foal in April to THUNDER BIRD . Champion at halter Strip , light mane , 2 stockings , 16 hands . Pleasure broke . LAST CHANCE breeding , by BUCK LaMARR out of SHEPHERD ’ S MIRACLE MAID . Contact : Archie D . Staley , Washtucna , Wash .
WANTED Good used 6-horse van , with living quarters . Describe and price . Picture . H . M . Utter , Akron , Indiana .
WALK-ALONG .. STABLES — TWH trained , boarded , sold and shown . Assure your horses of Trainer ’ s personal attention . Ralph Craft — Trainers — Raphael Craft , Cutler , Illinois .
FOR SALE — Colt , registered , Roan Allen breeding both sides , good stud prospect , handsome head , good conformation , bright sorrell with blaze and one stocking , gentle , broke to lead , born March 1963 . M . Lambie , 462 % Fresno , Morro , California .
FOR SALE — Brood mares and yearling colts . Also selected pleasure horses . Contact L . C . Fritsche , Shelbyville , Tennessee . Phone Area 615 No ’ s 684-4431 or 684-7739 .
FOR SALE — 6 year old Black breeding station , CAROLINA GO BOY by MERRY GO BOY . Siring natural gaited colts . Price $ 1250.00 . 3 year old show stallion by MIDNIGHT SUN . Shown very successfully as 2 year old . Price SI 750.00 . 4 year old bay mare . Will foal in June to Ser . of Car . Go Boy . Price S600.00 . 20 year old chestnut mare Gr . Dau . BUD ALLEN and GEN . ALLEN . Fool in August to Ca . Go Boy . Price $ 500.00 . Will deliver any of above two free 500 miles . Contact : W . R . Wiggins , Cuth * bert , Georgia . Phone 732-2068 .
FOR SALE — Three MERRY GO BOY colts that will be two years old this spring . They are green broke and ready for training . They are out of proved mares . They are guaranteed to be natural pacers . $ 1500.00 each . Contact : Enis Brown , Holly Hill Farm , Collierville , Tennessee .
FOR SALE — Real top white . Reg . Walking show horse , ready for big shows , broke perfect for girl or man . Reg . Walking Colts coming 2 years . Ready to break , some started for spring shows . MIDNIGHT , GO BOY BREEDING . Most brothers and sisters top show horses . No letters , please . S . L . BAUMAN , 3387 Poplar Plaza Bldg ., Suite 322 , Memphis , Tennessee 381 IT . Phone day — 458-6100 , night — 685-5782 after 6 p . m .
Experienced T . W . H . Trainer for new show barn , to break and show . Sober and dependable . References requested . Wonderful opportunity for right man . Write or call J . T . Staley , 727 Sherrod Ave ., Florence , Ala .
MARCH , 1965 31