1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 March Voice | Page 30

NEBRASKA WALKING GO BOY — 591061 — by MERRY GO BOY . Standing at Rainwood Stable , Inc . Call : 391-5755 or 391-9976 . Owner : Jim Torrens , 10808 Rainwood Road , Omaha , Nebraska .
MIDNIGHT STAR — 620394 — by DAN­ NY BOY O out of MISS-PASS-ME- NOT . Standing at Scottsbluff . Nebraska , R . F . D . 1 . Phone 632-4284 . Fee : $ 50.00 . $ 1.00 per day for mare . Return privileges . Owner : L . K . Reinhardt , RFD 1 . Box 119-A , Scottsbluff , Nebraska .
LOTTA MOTION ’ S SUN — 540506 — by MIDNIGHT SUN out of LOTTA MOTION ALLEN V . Standing at Charlton , New York . Call Schenectady . N . Y . EX 9-3482 . Fee : $ 50.00 with return privileges . Owner : Mr . C . G . Loukes .
SON OF MIGHTY WILSON — 580066- Double line bred WILSON ALLEN . Chestnut with blaze . Standing at Don N . Allen , 202 North Lackawanna St ., U . S . 15 , Waviand . New York . Phone 716-728-4401 . Fee : S50.00 at time of service . Return privilege during current year . Mare board $ 1.00 per day .
NORTH CAROLINA PERFECTION ' S S O N — 630113 — by RODGER ’ S PERFECTION out of AD­ MIRALS LITTLE SUE . by ADMIRAL GLEAVES , by MERRY BOY . PERFEC­ TION ’ S SON is half-brother to CAR­ BON COPY — 1964 World Champion . Standing at Stewart ' s Stables , Marshville . North Carolina . Fee : $ 75.00 . Owner : G . W . Stewart .
M Y MIDNIGHT MIKE — 550093 — by by MIDNIGHT SUN out of BESS VAUGHN P . Standing at F . Willis Fisher ’ s , Battleboro , North Carolina . Phone GI 2-7260 . Owner : F . Willis Fisher .
ETERNAL SUN — 590792 — by SUN ’ S BLACK MAGIC out of MERRY BOY mare . Standing at Sally Hill Farm , Hwy . 301 . south , Fayetteville , North Carolina . Kenneth Burk , trainer . Phone 433-4531 . Fee : $ 100.00 . Excellent care for mare . Owners : Sexton and Williams .
OHIO MR . MAGIC , MR . MASTERFUL AND JET ’ S A . IRPATROL — at Walking “ H ” Farm- Box 116 , Chardon , Ohio . Call : CH 5-4931 or CH 6-3641 . Owners : George and Dorothy Holmes .
SUN SAMPLE — 632177 — b y SUN ’ S GLORY B ., 530824 out of JUDY ’ S PRIDE , 421328 . Standing at Sample Stables , Winchester , Ohio . Fee : $ 50.00 at time of service . Phone 695-3431 . Owners : D . M . Semple & Sons .
MR . ROCK ’ N ROLL — 863854 — by STOP THE MUSIC 481321 , out of ROSE MERE ROSE 464265 . Grand Sire , MIDNIGHT SUN 410751 . All show winners . At home — The White Oaks , Ralph F . and Naomi Kibler , Bucyrus , Ohio , Route 2 . Phone 562-4653 .
GO BOY ’ S ROCK ’ N ROLL — 570617 — by MERRY GO BOY out of RAY ’ S FLOWING STREAM . Standing at Good Acres , Athens , Ohio . Phone 592-1735 . Fee : $ 75.00 . Owner : Mrs . P . F . Good .
BRAGG ’ S BLACK ALLEN — 620702 — by HAL WILSON 453587 out of WALKER ’ S BABE 480767 . Standing at Bragg ’ s Stables , 1 / 2 rnile north of Ohio City on 709 , Ohio City , Ohio . Call 965- 2187 . Fee : $ 50.00 . Owner : Donald Bragg .
MIDNIGHTS MAJOR — 482396 —( sire of MAJOR WILSON ) by MIDNIGHT SUN out of BANK OF SNOW . Standing at Maple Leaf Farm , Georgetown , Ohio . Call Day 378-3282 , Night 378- 6838 . Fee : Private Treaty . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . C . L . Geeslin .
OREGON MR . SWANK , registered grandson of MERRY GO BOY . A WALKING PONY , 13 hands , solid black . Standing at Crescent Ranch , Box 1187 , Lake Grove , Oregon . Fee : $ 100.00 registered mares , $ 50.00 grade . Owner : Miss Jackie Kalberer , Phone 636-4790 .
PENNSYLVANIA BOMBADIERS SNOW MAN — 581228 — by THE BOMBADIER out of JONES LADY ALLEN . Fee : Private Treaty . Call Russell Bennett , owner . Phone 287-5224 day . Night 285-3314 . Butler , Penna .
SOUTH CAROLINA OUR SUN DUST — by MIDNIGHT SUN out of MARY GOLD ALLEN . Fee : $ 25.00 with return privilege . Call 225-8089 . Owner : Mrs . Harold Major , Rt . 2 , Anderson , S . C .
GO BOYS NEW YEAR — 590309 — by MERRY GO BOY out of CAP­ TAIN ’ S PATTY . Standing at McCarter ’ s Stables , Greenville , S . C . Call Greenville , S . C . CE 3-0510 . Fee $ 50.00 at time of service with return privileges . Owner : D . L . McCarter , Route # 3 , Piedmont , S . C .
TENNESSEE CARBON COPY — 620913 — by ROD­ GER ’ S PERFECTION out of MID­ NIGHT DOLL . Standing at GLL Farms , 9735 Holmes Road , Collierville , Tennessee . Introductory Stud Fee in 1965 , $ 250.00 with return privileges . Russell Pate , Trainer , 853-8217 . George Lee Lenox , Home 853-2334 , Office 525-5446 . Mares kept $ 1.00 per day plus 50 cents for colt . STATELY GO BOY — bv MERRY GO BOY out of STATELY ’ S GAY LADY . Standing at Stallion Stables , Inc ., Shelbyville , Tenn . Call Ed Ezell , Jr . 294- 2911 . Fee : $ 100.00 with return privileges . Owner : Lyle Cashion , Jr .
MIDNIGHT MACK K — 490450 — by MIDNIGHT SUN out of PANOLA . Standing at Stallion Stables , Inc ., Shelbyville , Tenn . Call Ed Ezell , Jr ., 294- 2911 . Fee : $ 350.00 . Owner : Stallion Stables , Inc .
SUN DUST — 481968 — by MIDNIGHT SUN out of DIXIE WILSON L . Standing at Stallion Stables , Inc ., Shelbyville , Tenn . Call Ed Ezell , Jr ., 294- 2911 . Fee : $ 300.00 . Owner : Stallion Stables , Inc .
MERRY GO BOY — 431336 — by MER­ RY BOY out of WISER ’ S DIMPLES . Call Ed Ezell , Jr ., Shelbyville , Tenn ., 294-2911 . Fee : $ 750.00 . Owners : Stallion Stables , Inc ., Shelbyville ,
MIDNIGHT BEAU — 551045 — by MID­ NIGHT SUN out of SNIP ’ S CHANCE . Standing at Harlinsdale , Farm . Franklin , Tenn . Call Harlin Hayes . 794-4414 . Fee $ 100.00 . Owners : Dr . and Mrs . Glenn R . Powell , Painteville , Ky .
EBONY MASTERPIECE — 560586 — by SKIPPER SON OF MIDNIGHT out of LADY LEE . Standing at S . W . Beech Stables , Route 5 , Lewisburg , Tenn . Call CR 6-2475 . Fee : $ 200.00 at time of service , with return privileges during year . Owner : Mr . Billy Hale , Gallatin , Tenn .
GO BOY ’ S SHADOW — 540615 — by MERRY GO BOY out of MERRY WALKER . Standing at Bailey-Montgomery Stables , Shelbyville , Tenn . Call W . J . Montgomery , 684-4757 or 684-6177 . Fee : $ 250.00 . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . H . C . Bailey , Jackson , Miss .
PIDDLEY — 540468 — by MERRY GO BOY out of ANN ’ S DIXIE MAID . Standing at Bailey - Montgomery Stables , Shelbyville , Tenn . Call W . J . Montgomery , 684-4757 or 684-6177 . Fee : $ 150.00 . Owners , H . C . Bailey and W . J . Montgomery , Jackson , Miss ., and Shelbyville , Tenn .
SUN ’ S DELIGHT — 592116 — by MID­ NIGHT SUN out of WILSON SNIP ’ S CHANCE . Standing at Harlinsdale Farm , Franklin , Tenn . Call Harlin Hayes , 794-4414 . Fee : $ 200.00 . Owner : Mr . & Mrs . Fray Escue , Covington , Ky .
BLUE NAMRON — 431226 — by MERRY BOY out of MARY ALICE by GIO­ VANNI . Standing at Johnny Gunn ’ s Stables , Wartrace , Tennessee : Owners : Mr . and Mrs . D . V . Smith , Red Bluff , Calif . Fee : $ 100.00 . Contact Johnny Gunn — 389-9150 or 389-6238 .
GO BOY ’ S BLACK KING — 600796 — by MERRY GO BOY out of MERRY HOOFBEATS T . F . Standing at Lemon and White Stables , Columbia , Tenn . Call Phil Lemons , 388-1859 . Fee : $ 75.00 with return privileges . Owner : W . M . White , Columbia .
DOUBLE SHADOW — 540615 — by GO BOY ’ S SHADOW out of MR . WIL­ SONS DAUGHTER . Standing at D . L . Warren Stables , Denver , Tennessee . Call 535-3136 . Fee : $ 50.00 with return privileges . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . John I . Borum .
POPES SON OF MIDNIGHT — 540176 — by MIDNIGHT SUN out of MERRY BLACK by REYNOLDS PRIDE . Standing at Southbrook Stables , Knoxville , Tennessee . Call 577-8142 or 577-4041 . Fee : $ 75.00 with return privileges . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . E . C . Nichols .
SUN DUST RISE AND SHINE — 600824 — by SUN-DUST , 481968 out of SUN ’ S MIDNIGHT MAUDE , 510301 . Standing at Lemons and White Stables , phone Phil Lemons 388-1859 . Fee : $ 50.00 with return privileges . Owner : W . M . White , Columbia , Tennessee .
VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse