1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 March Voice | Page 24

(Continued from Page 4) A check of the 1964 record indi­ cates that horses by SHADOW are achieving a notable reputation as outstanding individuals. They are consistant winners in the show ring. They bring top money in any age class at the best auctions and SHADOW-bred mares are in greater demand than ever before. PIDDLEY, also a superior horse by modern standards, is best de­ scribed as a very alert, extremely fine specimen, that is fast making a reputation for himself as an out­ standing breeding stallion. Also by MERRY GO BOY, the fabulous PIDDLEY offers a con­ trast in ALLEN blood that has proved to be valuable. His dam, ANN’S DIXIE MAID was by SO­ CIETY MAN who was by WIL­ SON’S ALLEN. This combination blends with almost any blood line and should nick well to produce outstanding colts from most mares. Called “the find of the century,” PIDDLEY, as is well known, sus­ tained a severe leg injury at the peak of his pre-season training as a two year old. He never entered the show ring, but the natural abi­ lity and outstanding conformation that attracted the attention of the Walking Horse World when he was in training, still persists. PIDD­ LEY, now eleven years old, was almost forgotten after his accident and it was not until several years ago that he attracted the attention of Mr. Jack Montgomery as a pro­ spective breeding horse. This proved to be a wise move on the part of Mr. Montgomery, for re­ cent years have proved his belief. PIDDLEY colts are now making their way into the show ring and 1965 will see more and more win­ ners bearing the PIDDLEY name. The Bailey-Montgomery Stables, located on the Lewisburg Highway a short way out of Shelbyville, is considered one of the best breed­ ing establishments anywhere. They have excellent facilities for caring for brood mares and colts and along with their breeding operation at the main stable are actively work­ ing some top SHADOW and PID­ DLEY colts for the show ring. Jack, his wife Nina and step-son 24 Ronnie, live in the old Winston Both SHADOW and PIDDLEY Wiser home adjacent to the stable had a record breeding year in 1964 property. He has recently sold the and it appears that this year will Montgomery Dairy Farm property find even more top mares coming and plans to concentrate on his to the court of these two horses. horse activities. Mr. and Mrs. SHADOW, who has a stud fee of Bailey, who live in Jackson, Mis­ $250.00 and PIDDLEY, who has a sissippi, take an active interest in stud fee of $150.00, are both in ex­ the stable and the breeding pro­ cellent shape and according to Mr. gram for their two stallions. They Montgomery, are keen rivals for frequently make the trip to Shelby­ the attentions of their designing ville and delight in spending a few suitors. For specific information days at the barn, talking horses regarding booking to either of with the many people who come these stallions call Mr. Jack Mont­ for breeding and to see the re­ gomery, c/o Bailey - Montgomery nowned SHADOW and PIDDLEY. Stables, Shelbyville, Tennessee. MERRY BOY’S KNOCKOUT 431224 A leading Black Stallion by MERRY BOY out of a GIOVANNI Mare. He is a 7/8th Brother to MERRY GO BOY and offers the finest in blood, conformation, disposition and natural way of going. STUD FEE: $100 STANDING AT PAUL SMITH'S STABLES Winter Garden, Florida OWNER — George N. Harrell, MD Phone 656-1654 oor 656-2406 Palmetto, Florida At Time of Seivice For Information YOU ARE INVITED!! The GRAND OPENING of the NEW TRIPLE T FARMS, INC. Lewisburg, Tennessee ® Route #2 On Highway 431 to Franklin WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 © 1:30 p.m. til YOU are personally invited to the Grand Opening of the NEW TRIPLE T FARMS in Lewisburg, Tennessee. Barbecue cooked over the pit will be served everyone. Liquid refreshments also available. See some of the top horses of the breed under saddle. TRIPLE THREAT, HAWKS MEMORY and others will be ex­ hibited during the day. TRIPLE T FARMS, EMC. Lewisburg, Tennessee DICKIE PATE General Manager and Trainer VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse