1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 April Voice | Page 40
(Continued from page 17}
two-year-old Celebration Grand Championship.
In 1951 he won the three-year-old Reserve Grand
Championship at the Celebration on the gelding
Crestliner. Mr. Mallard is most interested in the
breeding and raising of the Tennessee Walking
Horse. He has top breed mares that are in top
condition and along with his breeding stallion
Mighty Boy they are producing colts which rate
with the best. Among these colts are: Rexal, a
yearling bay stud out of a Romeo mare; Merry
Shadow, a yearling black filly out of a Shadow
mare; Space Lady, a yearling black filly out of a
Midnight Sun mare; Go Boy’s Hal, a yearling
stud by a Go Boy mare; Space Man, a yearling
black colt out of a Midnight Sun mare; and a bay
two-year-old gelding who will make a good ama
teur horse, out of a Midnight Sun mare - all by
Mighty Boy.
Mr. Mallard’s breeding stallion, Mighty Boy,
has quite a story behind him. He is one of Merry
Boy’s first colts and while very young he devel
oped a lameness. He never recovered from his
injury and was not able to take the strenuous
training required to put a horse in the show ring.
Had he been able to show, he surely would have
been a winner. Now at the age of seventeen he
has all the vigor and energy of a two-year-old
and yet the manners of a perfect gentleman.
Mighty Boy has proved himself an excellent
breeding stud through the years.
Mr. Mallard has four of his horses in training
with Green and Hugh in Shelbyville, Tennessee.
Mr. Mallard says these horses are really coming
along well. Dun Gone, a dun-colored four-year-
old stud by Mighty Boy out of Wilson’s Amarillo
is one of the horses. Desert Flower, a bay three-
year-old mare by Sun’s Big Shot; Space Angel, a
a two-year-old black filly by Mighty Boy; and
Tommy Tell, a two-year-old black stud by Mighty
Boy are the other three horses Mr. Mallard has
with Green and Hugh.
My column is to serve you, the Walking Horse
people, so please send me any news you have.
The American Walking Horse Association, In
corporated, an "International Organization De
voted to the Promotion of the Tennessee Walking
Horse,” has selected Reedsville, West Virginia
as the site of their 1965 meeting.
Mr. H. Carl Yenser, Chairman of the Board,
announced that the Sterling Farms will be the
site of the Horse Show while the other activities
will be held at the Hotel Morgan in Morgantown,
fifteen miles away.
Scheduled for May 6th - 7th - 8th , to coincide
with the regular horse show, the Annual AWHA
meeting will again have a full schedule of classes,
speeches and other informative sessions, in addi
tion to their banquet and horse show. The show
will be held in an indoor arena and will have
eight Walking Horse classes. This will be a Class
"B” AHSA Walking Horse event with Double
points. It will be an Interstate "A” Division.
Stall fees are $5.00 for tent stabling and $7.00
for barn stabling - all box stalls. For further
information contact: Priscilla R. Marble, 753
Herkimer Road, Utica, New York.
Proudly Announces
For the first time in the Walking Horse History H. C. Wilson, the owner of
WSF, has built and made available the finest facilities to owners of
fine brood mares and colts. For assured Quality Care and Careful Handling
of Horses we now offer this facility. Below are just a few of the things
your horses will receive.
& Boarding facilities at its best.
® Transportation to and from stallions of your choice.
o Grain fed twice a day plus hay.
c Pregnancy check by Veterinarian.
© Colt training for sales if desired.
© Inspection of every animal daily.
© Foaling stalls with heat lamps.
© Owners personal attention to all horses.
Across Road from Sam Paschal Farm
Access to some of the World’s finest Walking Horse Stallions of today.
Including about 75 Stallions and about 10 WORLD CHAMPIONS all stabled
in Tennessee. Also expert horse transportation available from any place to
Tennessee Breeding Establishments.
. . . For immediate information write or call . . .
5 Miles Southwest on Route 96
Owner — Res. Phone 615-893-8927 — Day or Night
------dSM---------dSM-------- dSM---------dS/A------- dSM—dSM--------- dS/A---------dSM-------- dSM"’
H. C. Wilson,
VOICE of The Ter essee Walking Horse