the HI LINE from the Deep SOUTH
the HI LINE from the Deep SOUTH
By Ben A . Green
By Billy Joe Ann Esiess Box 222 , Kentwood , Louisiana
Hi ! I don ’ t know about you folks , but Spring is almost here in these parts , and gosh , how it will be welcomed . When you think of Spring , what does it bring to mind ? Colts , lush green pastures , getting to ride your mounts when they feel their best in the crisp fresh air —? Well these are a few impressions that come to my mind , but there are other things , too . Spring is a time for doing things that you have thought of but just haven ’ t gotten around to do in the cold months behind you . This is just what is happening around here .
My husband and I recently attended a meeting of The Southwest Mississippi Horsemen ’ s Association and were happy to learn of their plans to put on a horse show in McComb , Mississippi . They used to have good shows up there , but somehow things got turned around and they stopped having one . Anyway , big plans are in the process now and as soon as I find out the details , I will pass them on to you . We also have been meeting with a group of dedicated “ Horse People ” that are organizing The Walking Horse Association of Louisiana . There is a lot of hard work involved in a plan as big as this one , and we need the support of every interested person in Louisiana . At the meeting we had in Lafavette . Louisiana , on March 8 , many things were accomplished . Dues were set up and paid by those attending , committees were appointed , the organization was named , and a future meeting scheduled to be held during the Spring Fiesta Show in New Orleans , in April . Mr . Hewitt Bordelon is the Temporary Chairman , and I am the acting Secretary . If you are interested in joining , please let us know about it at once . The Association is the “ brain-child ” of Mr . Gordon Hampton of Baton Rouge , Louisiana ; he has been dedicated to the breed for many years and continues to strive for it in so many ways that we are all indebted to him for his leadership .
While in Lafayette , of course we visited Ridgewood Stables . Rod Pellerin ( trainer for Mr . Bordelon ) kindly consented to “ work ” a few horses for us . We certainly enjoyed this exhibition , and the colts seem to be doing very well for so early in the year .
The nice thing about being nosey ( like me ) is that you meet so many people , nice people - — for instance the Bill Keigleys . From Lafayette we toured on down a little further to Crowley , where the Keigleys live and we visited with them . There we found a two year old colt by SUN ’ S QUARTERBACK that is just green broke — but what a sight ! He is black , black , black , with a white hind sock and the cutest snip on his nose . Besides being a real eye-catcher , he has prospects of being a wham-bang-topnotch Walking Horse . The Keigleys are very proud of him and they have every right to be .
Show season is almost upon us , so guess I should round up some of the folding chairs and various other plunder that is scattered all over the place . You have heard from me — so now let me hear from you . . . Today !
( Second Edition , 306 Pages ) Including Index ) only $ roo 0 POSTPAID
This offer is for the Second Edition Only Of This Great History Book of the Breed by Ben A . Green . ( First Edition Copies — similar in content but thicker due to paper texture — sell at the regular rate of $ 7.50 )
Second Editions Can Be Bought Only From
BEN A . GREEN P . O . Box 96 Shelbyville , Tennessee
At stud to mares certified for breeding by veterinarian . Fee —$ 50.00 — Return privilege 1964 .
Tennessee Walking Horses for Pleasure Riding
WOODLAND RFD 1 , Box 230 Charlottesville , Virginia
4 ’ A mi . south of turn off to Monticello on State Route 20 . Dr . James C . Andrews .
MARCH 1964 23