1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 March Voice | Page 22
(Continued from Page 3)
will be heard of colts by this pro
mising stallion as the 1964 season
brings the halter classes of Middle
The fortunate horseman manag
ing these great breeding stallions
is a man of many interests and
accomplishments. A native of Lin
coln County, Tennessee, but for
twenty years a resident of Bed
ford County, Jack Montgomery is
associated with Tune and Com
pany in the real estate business,
where his wide acquaintance and
his own experience make him an
expert on farm land and its use.
He also operates a dairy farm of
some 250 acres with a herd of re
gistered Jerseys. Among his other
activities, he is president of the
Bedford Farmers’ Cooperative, a
member of the Bedford County
school board, a thirty-second de
gree Mason, and a Shriner. He and
his lovely wife, the former Annie
Ruth Martin (also a native of Lin
coln County), have one daughter.
Beverley, 21, who will be graduated
in June from Middle Tennessee
State College, with a maior in
home economics. She has been hon
ored by being elected to Who’s
Who in American Colleges. In 1958, FLORIDA SUNSHINE CIRCUIT
(Continued from Page 19)
through her interest in 4-H Club
Novice Walking Horses — (1) SUN-
work, Beverly showed the top Jer DUST LITTLE MAN, Paul Smith up for
L. Frank Roper, Winter Garden, Fla •
sey cow in North America.
Mr. Montgomery pointed out Fleming up for R. D. Keene. Orlando,
that the Bailey-Montgomery Sta
Taylor, Lafayette, Indiana.
bles offers the very best in facili
Amateur Class — (1) HAPPY DAYS
ties for mares booked to SHADOW AGAIN, Paul Randolph up for Randolph
Clearwater, Fla.; (2) MARK
or PIDDLEY and that he has a
GLORY, Mrs. Robert Schleicher up
standing offer to go anywhere in OF
for Crown Point Farms, Crown Point,
the Continental United States to Ind.; (3) KEENE’S FASHION LADY,
pick up and deliver mares to be owner-rider R. D. Keene, Orlando, Fla.;
(4) MAY MADNESS, Mrs. Paul Ran
bred to either of these stallions. dolph up for Randolph Farms, Clear
Situated in the very heart of Walk water, Fla.; (5) SUNDUST LITTLE
ing Horse Country, the Bailey MAN, owner-rider L. Frank Roper, Win
ter Garden, Fla.; (6) O’GLORY BE,
Montgomery Stables, on the site owner-rider Charles Goldswig, St. Pe
made world-famous by the legen tersburg, Fla.; (7) SUN DUST FURY,
Raymond Smith up for Merry Mount
dary Winston Wiser, is well on its Farms,
Rensselaer, Ind.
way to resuming its past glories as
Junior Walking Horses—(1) SHA
a producer of Champions. All DOW AT MIDNIGHT, Preach Fleming
for R. D. Keene, Orlando, Fla.
breeders interested in colts they up Championship
Walking Horse Stake—
can own with pride and sell for (1) HAPPY DAYS AGAIN, Wallace
premium prices should call Jack Brandon up for Randolph Farms, Clear
Montgomery, Shelbyville, Ten water,
STUD, Preach Fleming up for R. D.
nessee, (area code 615) — daytime Keene, Orlando, Fla.; (3) GO BOY’S
phone, 684-4757, and night phone, REVENUE, owner-rider Floyd Purcell,
Orlando. Fla.; (4) SUN DUST LITTLE
684-6177. The service fee for MAN,
Paul Smith up for West Orange
World’s Grand