1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 July Voice | Page 15

TO OUR ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE - AN AUCTION OF MIDNIGHT SUN YEARLING COLTS AND FILLIES — and — YEARLING COLTS AND FILLIES SUN’S BIG SHOT'S Thursday, September 3, 1964 — and — AT 10:00 A.M., at the farm Friday, September 4, 1964 2-DAY-SALE . . . MORE THAN 70 WONDERFUL PROSPECTS. MIDNIGHT SUN - bred horses have won the World's Grand Championship: 1949 , 1951 , 1952 , 1953 , 1957 , 1958 , 1959 , 1960 , 1961 1962 & 1963 There is Power and Stamina in Midnight Sun Blood Check the above record. Pre-Sale inspection invited- Jt tell* the dory. HARL1NSDALE FARM Ask us for a list showing the breeding of each individual FRANKLIN, TENN.