1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 July Voice | Page 14

By Gloria L. Spencer ELMORE BROCK • • • the youngest "old timer" in the Walking Horse business! ! Nestled in a valley at the foot of the Cumber­ land Mountains stands the Elmore Brock Walking Horse Stables. In these beautiful surroundings at Sparta, Tennessee, Elmore can be seen working a barn full of horses each day. Elmore Brock has had several top horses in the past and is constantly coming up with good stock. He has shown three champions at the National Cele­ bration in Shelbyville: SUN’S BIT O’ HONEY, 3 year old champion mare in 1955; MR. MAGIC, 3 year old champion gelding in 1957; and, MIGHTY SUN, champion stallion in 1960. At present he has some potential Celebration stock that he is heading in that direction. He is extremely pleased with DEEP VELVET, the black filly that won the Leba­ non show this year. Elmore Brock, son of Fan Brock and the late D. E. Brock, was born August 8, 1922 in Sparta, Tennessee. He is the oldest of three children and sometime during his childhood he was nicknamed “Possum,” a name that has stuck with him through­ out his adult life. His first experience with horses was riding in the buggy behind a highstepping horse with his Grandfather Brock, who was a doctor. From that time on he has never been with out a pony or a horse and later graduated to Walking Horses. His interest in Walking Horses began about eighteen years ago just after he had served three years in the Army, two of the three in Europe. He traded a fair horse for a spotted pony and a run down colt. He spent about a year feeding and working the colt, which later became known as PAN AMERICAN and won the aged gelding class at the Celebration under Steve Hill. During this period, Elmore was working half the day in a garage and service station which he owned with his father, and the rest of the day and part of the night, he could be found working horses. In 1946, he married the former Jean Ray, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ray of Sparta, Tennessee. Elmore has had his own stables since he first be­ came associated with Walking Horses. He welcomes all visitors and always has time to work another horse or just sit and talk horses. Elmore has at his barn MIDNIGHT SUN GLO by MIDNIGHT SUN, 14 Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Brock of Sparta, Tennessee. Wife Jeane is a real asset to Elmore in his Walk­ ing Horse business and they both enjoy the many associations they have made. MIGHTY SUN—1960 World’s Champion Stallion under the capable training of Elmore Brock of Sparta, Tennessee. At his peak . . . MIGHTY SUN was one of the most impressive Walking Horses ever to go in the show ring. DEEP VELVET . . . leading contender for two year Championship honors in 1964. This sleek Black Filly is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Willard Chandler of Portland, Tennessee and has won her share of blue ribbons this year. Elmore Brock up. who promises to be one of the best breeding studs available, as may be seen by some of his colts that are hitting the ring this year. VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse