The Walking Pony Championship Stake , as always , proved to be one of the most exciting in the celebration . These “ little horses ”, ridden by determined youngsters , went all out to show their best . Jimmy Mcfarlin , winner last year on SCAT MAN , put his experience to work on SIR HENRY ’ S ECHO and again took the blue . Jimmy Ellis , making a final bid for blue honors before age catches him , rode his SUN ’ S GLORY BOY in his finest hour and with 2 votes for second place honors , settled for the red ribbon in this fastest pony class ever . Third was Ray Beech , called the “ one to watch in ’ 64 ”, on LITTLE BIT O ’ TROUBLE , who made a tremendous bid for top honors all the way . Other ribbons
NO . |
1 . |
( 909 ) |
2 . |
( 385 ) |
3 . |
( 712 ) |
4 . |
( 855 ) |
5 .
6 .
( 121 )
( 366 )
7 . |
( 657 ) |
8 . |
( 404 ) |
9 . |
( 167 ) |
10 . |
( 528 ) |
were won the hard way — step-by-step and with the determination exhibited only by
1 . 909 |
1 . 909 |
2 . 385
3 . 712
4 . 121
5 . 855
6 . 167
7 . 528
8 . 657
9 . 404
10 . 293
2 . 712
3 . 385
4 . 855
5 . 121
6 . 366
7 . 657
8 . 404
9 . 293
10 . 1010
September , 1963
red-blooded youngsters with a keen desire to win .
Referee |
Ferrell |
1 . 909 |
1 . 909 |
2 . 385
3 . 712
4 , 855
5 . 121
6 . 404
7 . 528
8 . 657
9 . 366
2 . 385
3 . 712
4 . 855
5 . 121
6 . 366
7 . 657
8 . 404
9 . 167
10 . 83 |
10 . 528 |
11 . 167 |
12 . 1010 |
OWNER SIR HENRY ’ S ECHO ................................................. Jimmy McFarlin up for Jones , Martin , and McFarlin SUN ’ S GLORY BOY ................................................. Jimmy Ellis up for Ellis and Wilkinson LITTLE BIT O ’ TROUBLE ..................................... Ray Beech up for Joe Kelley , Jr . GO BOY ’ S COMMANDO .......................................... Wayne Pierce up for Gay and Lambert SETTING SUN ’ S LITTLE MAN ............................. Jerry Jester up for Paschal and Jester TICKIN ’ TOPPER ...................... —........................... Lynne Wood up , for Lynne Wood LITTLE DUDE ............................................................ Dickie Reese up for Dickie Reese LITTLE BIT OF SUN .............................................. Buck Shaw up for Keith Bartlett DONNA ’ S MACK K .................................................. Olivia Meek up for Martha and Olivia Meek POWER PACK ......................................................... _ Melissa Jones up for Melissa Jones
NO . |
1 . |
( 943 ) |
RUSH ACT ................................................................... Brownview Farms |
2 . |
( 735 ) |
LADY CAROUSEL ...................................................... Mullins & Mullins |
Girls 1-2-3 In Owner-Amateur
Girls really took over the Owner-Amateur Championship Stake with 1-2-3 places . The magnificent-riding Doodles Thampson drew first place in a brilliant duel with the veteran Kay McFarland and D ’ Leese Williamson placed a close third . The Judges ’ score cards showed one first for each horse . But Doodles drew a first from the call judge , a second from the other judge and a third from the referee . She was riding FAIR WARNING — owned by her mother , Mrs . Robert F . Thompson of Dallas .
Kay on THE IMPALA drew a first from the referee , a second from the call judge and a fourth from the other judge . D ’ Lee , on BOMB ’ S BALLY HOO , received first place vote from one judge , a third place from the call judge and a fifth place from the referee .
Joe Wright , finishing highest among male riders in this stake as he gained fourth place with SUN ’ S CELEBRATION — was placed second by the referee , fourth by the call judge and eighth by the other judge .
Others tied were : fifth , GO BOY SCOOTER , ridden by W . R . Mitchell , Mo- bile , Alabama , ( this pair placed third in the 50-Years and Over Class ); sixth , SHAD OW ’ S REPLICA , ridden by Sharon Terry , Cleveland , Mississippi , ( sixth in the Walking Stallion amateur-owner class ); MAID ’ S MACK K , ridden by Frank Matcalf , Sparta , Tennessee , ( fifth in the Walking Gelding class for amateurs ); eighth , MERRY BOY ’ S TRAVELER , ridden by Betty Sain , Bell Buckle , Tennessee , ( this big white horse was trained by Betty after he threw every man who tried to ride him , was guided to seventh place in the Lady Riders class ); ninth , SPUR ’ S SUMMER DREAM , ridden by Mrs . Madeline Lee of Evansville , Indiana , for C , W . Lee Oil Co ., ( this team qualified by placing eighth in the amateur mare class ); tenth , WINTER WILSON , ridden by J , Stokely , Falls Church , Virginia ( qualified in the workout of the amateur stallion class ).
1 . 63
2 . 146
3 . 92
4 . 27
5 . 193
6 . 9
7 . 421
8 . 3
9 . 963
10 . 137
1 . 92
2 . 63
3 . 421
4 . 146
5 . 110
6 . 126
7 . 193
8 . 27
9 . 9
10 . 963
1 . 146
2 . 27
3 . 63
4 . 193
5 . 92
6 . 878
7 . 126
8 . 963
9 . 9
10 . 3
1 . 63
2 . 146
3 . 92
4 . 27
5 . 193
6 . 9
7 . 421
8 . 3
9 . 963
10 . 137
11 . 421 12 . 110 |
NO . |
o |
™ |
.......................................................... KD °° MCr ThTpso ? up for Mrs- Robcrl F- Thompson |
2 . |
( 146 ) |
THE IMPALA ................................................................ Kay McFarland up for McFarland Farms |
3 .
4 .
( 92 )
( 27 )
BOMB ’ S BALLY HOO ................................................. D ’ Leese Williamson up for D ' Leese Williamson
SUN ’ S CELEBRATION .. -.............. .......................... Joe Wright up for Lone Star Stables
5 . |
( 193 ) |
GO BOY SCOOTER ..................................................... W . R . Mitchell up for Mitchell & Carlton |
6 . |
( 9 ) |
SHADOW ' S REPLICA .................................................. Sharon Terry up for Sharon Terry Stables |
7 .
8 .
( 421 )
( 3 )
MAID ’ S MACK K ......................................................... Frank Metcalf up for Frank Metcalf
MERRY BOY ’ S TRAVELER ..................................... Betty Sain up for Betty Sain
9 . |
( 963 ) |
SPUR ’ S SUMMER DREAM ....................................... Mrs . Madeline Lee up for C W Lee Oil Co |
10 . ( 137 ) |
WINTER WILSON ........................................................ J . D . Stokley up for J . D . Stokely |
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