1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 October Voice | Page 9
Route 1, Clayton, Ohio
Are vve overlooking a new market
for the Tennessee Walking Horse? One
of our readers believes we are. Some of
his ideas are original with him, others
are contained in an article he read by
General Kester in the Arabian Horse
News, some of which seemed to be per
tinent to the Walking Horse. He points
out that there are a great many people
who are interested in the Walking
Horse but because of the cost of the
quality-bred horse, the Walker is eli
minated as a companion animal, and
is too costly for the average person to
own and to ride.
This is not to detract from the
necessity for top quality breeding stock,
but not every animal turns out to be
of such quality. Yet many are good
enough to give pleasure to the new
comer who wants a Walking Horse.
Some Breeds Top-Heavy
Some breeds, he goes on to say, are
top-heavy with stock that will only sell
for what the buyer is willing to pay
for a pleasure horse. A breeder’s mar
ket is attractive and exciting while it
lasts. “Brother-in-law” buying at
breeder sales — the practice of “you
buy a high-priced one at my sale and
I’ll buy one at yours” — gives the im
pression of high averages and a rising
market. Good for some, bad for others,
because sooner or later prices must
level off to meet the economic cap
ability of the consumer. In the cattle
industry it’s the meat market; in the
horse industry it’s the race tracks and
the growing numbers of people who
ride and own horses for fun — com
panion animals for pleasure and re
Fortunately, the Walking Horse has
never been put through this artifical
process of boom and bust and has
never been plagued with unrealistic
Here is the “FREE-and-EZY" Bit ... .
high prices. This is good, for if we are
designed for the Tennessee Walking Horse.
to expand the market for the Walking
• Floating Mouth-piece rotates 360 degrees
Horse maybe we should emphasize how
• Easy on mouth and tongue • Stainless
little a Walker costs rather than how
Steel • 10 yz Shank • 5" Mouthpiece •
much. Our correspondent asks: Can
this be done?
Currently groundwork is being laid
for a breeder expansion. Practically
all mares are in, or are going into,
production — many of these of such
quality that they would do more good
for the breed as pleasure horses rather
than as breeding stock. The same is
true of stallions. While excess stallions
do not contribute to excess production,
many of them would do more good for
the breed as geldings in the hands of
someone who could enjoy using them,
thus advertising and perhaps selling
more Tennessee Walking Horses.
‘A One-Way Road’
This bit will assist in getting your horse
The breeders seem bent on produc
OFF the bit . . . will help set his head
and will increase natural motion. Tried and
ing and promoting more and more
proven at the Celebration. Get yours today!
stock to sell and exchange among
PRICE $25.00
themselves, or contribute to producing
Postage prepaid when cash accompanies
more breeders and more breeding
order, or can be shipped C.O.D.
and more breeding stock. A one-way
road to an abrupt end, our correspon
lEnglistj t?alljpr £>fjnp
dent goes on to say, unless greater
194 Decatur Street, S.E. Atlanta 3, Georgia
energy and effort is exerted in placing
_____________ MUrray 8-4361_________________
“using Walking Horses” in the hands
of interested people who do not now
Available Also From
own Walking Horses for their own
Lewisburg, Tennessee
The growth or quick expansion of
any breed based primarily on a breeder
demand and market leads only to dis
aster. In a short while the market ap comers who buy want to do something
proaches saturation, buyers become with that new horse and do it now.
Get Horses Ready To Sell
more sophisticated and only top quality
animals sell well. Soon even these stop
What can we do? Many things! We
selling for what it costs to produce can get our horses ready to sell before
them; the breed declines for years and they are put on the market. They
those who get hurt most are the breed should be well gentled and in satis
ers themselves who contributed to factory physical condition. Colts should
developing the wrong kind of market. be casterated when necessary and those
How soon this will happen in the old enough should be well broke to
Walking Horse breed is anyone’s guess. ride and ready for sell to someone to
Some think they see signs of it now.
We can sell our horses to the right
The history of the auction sales
would indicate that the market is good people in the right spot. Put the best
and perhaps getting stronger. However, ones where they will, do well, will be
these have been breeders’ sales and i t seen and will advertise the breed.
Next question is, Who? The answer
is the breeding stock that has sold well
— a high percentage going to new and is, obviously, each Walking Horse
prospective breeders. One thing is evi breeder. Each must accept and fulfill
dent — animals that are obviously his responsibility. No one can and no
gentle and broke to ride sell much one will do this job for us. We as in
better. Even brood mares that are dividuals must get out and do it
We are indebted to our correspon
physically fit seem to sell, better if
usable as pleasure horses. Again, it dent for an interesting and though-
gets back to the fact that most new provoking letter. Thanks—write again.