1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 October Voice | Page 10
October issue. We feel certain that
H. H. “devoured” the Sept, issue and
stayed up all night to “digest it.
‘Sun Gold Rhoda* Stricken
Mrs. Nelda Majure Golding of the
outstanding L. L. Majure Stables, 2845
Poplar Springs Drive, Meridian, Miss.,
tells us her fine show mare “Sun Gold
Rhoda” died on Sept. 28. “She got
sick on Thursday morning and in spite
of all we could do and the best medical
help available we lost her on Satur
day,” she wrote the Voice Editor.
“Although we have a stable full of
horses, she was my personal horse and
I feel her loss keenly,” Mrs. Golding
(Note—Many Voice friends have told
us that losing a personal, beloved horse
is almost like losing a member of the
human family. Such is the appreciation
of a horse-lover—and we feel sure that
the horse understands he or she is loved
—and reciprocates.
Bride’s Home ‘Must’ Have Book
and Voice
A brand-new bride, Mrs. Sandra
Hogdson, Rt. 1, Box 275, Omak,
Wash., warms our heart with this:
“Would you please send me a copy of
your book ‘Biography of the Tennessee
Walking Horse.’
“I have just recently married and
my new home does not have any Walk
ing Horse books or magazines. My
mother told me she was ordering the
Voice for my birthday gift. I used to
be Sandra Snitily from Wenatchee,
Wash. My mother has your book al
ready and I feel it is a must to include
it in our home . . . I’m looking forward
to receiving it soon.”
(Ed. Note — Dear Sandra. Can’t
think of any bride and groom being
better equipped for a long life of hap
piness than by getting the Voice
monthly, and the Biography “forever.”
The magazine and the book express
“love for a breed and love for people.”
Of such fabric — permanent, happy
and profitable marriages are made.)
A Birthday Gift Idea
Someone gave Clovis G. Chappell,
Jr., a Voice subscription for a birth
day present — so we receive a letter
from this prominent attorney of 1605
Bedford Drive, Midland, Texas, ask
Like ‘Missing Meals'
ing that his subscription be extended.
We received a whole host of inquir He also wants it to come to his home
ing letters when the great 52-page address because there are eight law
September issue of the Voice was de yers in the Lynch & Chappell law of
layed. Some said, “Send it on, I don’t fices at the Midland Savings Build
want to ever let it run out.” Others ings. We surmise some of these other
made whimsical remarks, and some lawyers have “snitched” a copy or
were quite formal and stem.
two. Maybe said snitchers will become
But H. H. Hassler, Jr., 1151 W. Shir subscribers now. Hope they do.
* # #
ley St., Stephcnsville, Texas took the
cake with this:
TWHB&EAA Judges Deadline
“Dear Ben, I have not received my
Deadline for judges’ applications is
Sept, issue of the Voice. If it has been Nov. 30, 1963, at the Lewisburg, Tenn.
recently mailed, disregard this. If not office of the Tennessee Walking Horse
please mail me a copy. It is like missing Breeders’ & Exhibitors’ Assn, of
several meals, to miss one issue of the America, Inc. Such applications must
be filed by that deadline to be present
(Note—As this is written, all sub ed to the Judges Committee and later
scribers copies of the Sept. Voice are to the Board of Directors for final
well on the way from Chattanooga— approval to cover the year 1964. It is
new point of ownership and publica necessary that applications be filed
tion as is completely explained in this each year, re-applying for the next
year. Only one Board meeting a year is
held to consider these applications.
Executive Secretary H. Tom Fulton
warned in his September bulletin to
the membership.
# # #
Horse Registrations Soar
Secretary Fulton’s bulletin to
TWHB&EAA members said horse
registrations in September were run
ning approximately three weeks be
hind the daily arrival of mail carrying
applications for registration. Already
registrations were “in the 1,800 brac
ket” and if mail continues at the cur
rent rate the registrations for 1963 will
exceed those of the previous year.
Since the Voice began publication in
March, 1962 it has carried monthly
the official list of registrations. (There
is often times a confusion of terms on
this matter. Some subscribers have
tended to think that a “transfer” is a
registration. It is not. The “transfer”
is issued when a horse is sold or pos
session otherwise passes on to another
owner. A horse may be transferred
many times. A horse may be registered
only once.)
* «= #-
A Walker For Independence, Calif.
Christmas came early for Bernard
R. Crawford, P. O. Box 302, Indepen
dence, Calif.—93526. His wife bought
him a Biography of the Tennessee
Walking Horse “for Christmas” in a
letter to the Voice Editor dated Sept.
24. “We consider our broodmare one
of the family and are awaiting her
blessed event next Spring,” wrote Mrs.
“We have only had her a year, but
think she is one of the finest of horses.
We never heard of Walkers before pur
chasing her, and there are no others in
our vicinity.” The Crawford family en
joyed the shows at Indio and Pomona
where Walkers were featured — they
think the Voice is very interesting and
helpful — and they want to come to