1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 October Voice | Page 7
To The Readers Of The
VOICE of the Tennessee
Walking Horse
In early 1962, Ben A. Green founded
this magazine in the hope of establish
ing the first permanent publication
devoted exclusively to the Tennessee
Walking Horse. No other person could
have begun this publication and car
ried it forward as Mr. Green has done
under many adversities. Response to
the magazine has been encouraging
and its prospects for the future are
excellent; however, as most of you
know, Mr. Green has been seriously
ill several times in recent years. Both
his health and the rapid growth of his
enterprise have made it necessary for
him to accept others into the ownership
and the management of the publication
so that its permanence can be assured
and its continued expansion and im
provement attained.
Therefore, The Voice Publishing
Company, with offices in Chattanooga,
Tennessee, has been formed and has
purchased the magazine from the
founder and his lovely wife. Of course,
a key term of the purchase agreement
specifies that Ben A. Green will con
tinue as Editor (and Mary Frances
will continue to assist him in innumer
able ways). Officers of the new Com
pany are: C. Bruce Spencer, president;
Fred E. Friend, vice president; Mrs.
Barbara M. Friend, secretary; Mrs.
Gloria L. Spencer, treasurer. These
officers comprise the board of directors
of the company, and they will supervise
and administer the business affairs of
the magazine and assist in its produc
tion. A full-time staff will be main
tained to carry on the expanding work
of the magazine. An art director and
other skilled assistants are available at
all times. This new arrangement will
permit Mr. Green to devote virtually
all of his time to doing what he likes
best — writing enthusiastically about
Tennessee Walking Horses.
All of us involved in the Voice Pub
lishing Company arc deeply grateful
to the inimitable Ben Green for his
founding this publication and for al
lowing us to become associated with
him in carrying it forward to the ful
fillment of his dreams. We pledge to
him, and to you, that we shall constant
ly strive to expand and improve this
magazine so that we may extend its
services to all who are interested in
Walking Plorscs. An enlarging network
of correspondents will help us gather
news from all over the nation; expert
Looking at the proofs of the color photo of the September “Parade of Champions” edition
of the VOICE is Walter Williams, art director, Mrs. Barbara M. Friend, secretary of
the new VOICE Publishing Company, Mrs. Gloria L. Spencer, treasurer; Fred E.
Friend, Vice president and C. Bruce Spencer, president.
assistance will help owners and exhibi
tors plan and prepare their advertising;
extensive use of color and other modem
devices will result in a more appealing
and readable magazine; special fea
tures and special issues will provide a
treasure of information for everyone;
a rapidly increasing number of sub
scribers, expected to double in 1964,
will enable us to render our services to
more and more readers (although we
now are reaching more people inter
ested in Walking Horses than is any
other single publication, we want to
reach every person who is interested
in this breed).
Toward achieving our goals for the
magazine, we ask your continued sup
port and your advice. Please write
down your thoughts concerning this
publication and send them to us at
your earliest convenience. We are sin
cerely interested in knowing your views.
We want to thank you for die won
derful reception which you have al
ready given us. We hope you like the
recent issues of the magazine, and we
promise you that we will make each
issue the best possible contribution to
your information and your pleasure.
—The Publishers.
The poet has said:
To err is human; to forgive, divine.
The producers of this publication
have proved themselves to be thorough
ly human — need we say more? While
sincerely regretting the errors in the
September issue, we are diligently or
ganizing to improve the quality of this
publication so that it will be a' con
tinuing credit to the great breed it re
presents. We beg your indulgence, as
we strive toward perfection.
Among the mistakes for which we
must express our special regrets are
the spelling of Esque for Escue on the
color pictures and Paschul for Paschal
in the ornate type at the top of the
page showing Sam receiving ribbons.
And of course the prettily smiling
young lady on page 37 is Linda Robin
son of West Point, Mississippi, not
Tampa, Florida; and Joe Wright not
Jan Wright rides SUN’S CELEBRA
TION (page 32). We humbly apolo
Thank you all for bearing with us
while we eliminate all mistrakes from
this magazine!