1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 October Voice | Page 6
Pleasure Horse
On Trail In Show
Quite Different
From Linda Babcock, 829 Davis St.,
Kalamazoo, Mien, comes an interest
ing letter some ol our Voice friends
will surely want to answer. She wants
more information on the difference
of the Tennessee Walking Pleasure
Horse for the trial and for the show
“My idea ol a pleasure horse, ’ she
says, “is a horse that one can ride on
a trail ride, over rough ground,
through streams and maybe even
jump a little.
“But at a horse show when they
have a pleasure horse class the sup
posed pleasure horses come snorting
into the ring at a much faster running
walk and more ac tion than you would
ever need on an actual trail ride.
Many have set tails, perhaps not cut,
but not natural either.
“To top it off these pleasure horses
are often carrying two and a half to
three pounds of weight on their
"How can any pleasure horse save
his tendons on a trail ride carrying
that much weight on his hooves?
These are qualities of amateur and
open class horses, not the easy riding,
Ren tie true pleasure horse.
“Why do they call these horses that
carry so much weight and are so keyed
up to show—pleasure horses? Are we
not disillusioning the public.
“1 would appreciate any help you
fan give on these questions.’’
1 aids pacing a little
bit gesterda.g...r
Trusting him to the task, my e
drank in the mountainous wilderne S
about us. Pure sweet morning ah
wildlife scampering from the bushes
and the distant wooded slopes veiled
in blue haze assured us of our depar
ture from civilization. As the trail led
us higher, each turn revealed its
breathtaking view of the valleys and
mountains. Truly here is what beckons
the trail rider.
Across the wooded ravine we see
our trail winding around a far moun
tain slope. And behold! wc arc not
alone. A horse and rider appear. They
too are headed toward the summit.
There is something special about that
pair. Hoping for a closer look, we take
a canter when the trail widens. Upon
(Note—Mr. and Mrs. Nat Curry of
another glimpse at the trail rider above
Black Watch Stables, Maple Valley,
us, I begin to smile. My horse pricks
Wash., have written us a beautiful
his ears and nickers. The slopes around
article about a trail ride. They ride in
us echo with a dozen nickers.
the “wilderness” trails of Washington
Now we can see them clearly. The
State at every opportunity. Seven Ten
horse moves swiftly, yet accurately
nessee Walking Horses in their stables
along the narrow trail. Sure is cover
prove their belief that the breed is
ing ground and yet. . . the rider sits
putting pleasure into trail riding.
so still. The rider’s eyes are on the
Training Walking Horses for trail and
panorama around him; it is apparent
pleasure riding is Lane’s hobby.
the landscape is not bouncing despite
He says it’s easy due to the quiet
the speed of the horse. What kind of
disposition and sensible nature of the
gait can this be? The horse seems to
breed. The Currys also keep busy as
leaders of a 32-member 4-H Horse
be preoccupied with his own rhythm.
His head is nodding with each step;
Club and are active in the Tennessee
he seems to be rocking his rider yet
Walking Horse Exhibitors’ & Breed
ers’ Assn, of Washington (one of the
the rider’s body is moving forward in
finest state organizations for this
a smooth, straight line. The one s
breed, Tom Fulton tells me at the
of this pair is fascinating.
Lewisburg office of the Breeders’
About the time we catch them, t
Assn.) Mrs. Lane Curry sat right
break into a canter. Where hay
down and wrote this wonderful report
ever seen such a thrilling sight! 1
right after returning from a trail ride.
truly a rolling “rocking-chair” mot!
It is a priceless memoir written by
not too fast, not too high, with h-
a sensitive person—the kind of ma
set up, netek slightly arched,^ c,
terial that will make Voice subscribers
slightly tucked and head motion
want to keep all their magazines for
time with leg movement. I smile ag
ever and read them over and over.
as my horse increases his speed.
Mrs. Curry said, “I have been terribly
We are very near to them now.
wanting to express my deep admira
mount is warm with the exertion
tion of Walking Horses to the world
climbing. Listen to the square thun.,
. .. somehow, and here it is. My hus
ing beat of that horse’s hooves as the^
band and I are 30 years old now, and
hit the ground solidly with a 1, 2, a,
we fully expect to be able to enjoy
beat—on all four corners! And te
riding, thanks to Walking Horses, 30
gives the appearance of gliding along
to 50 years from now. Yours for the
with effortless ease.
love of the Tenn. Walking Horse.”
Only vaguely am I aware of wi CI
Nat Curry. (I have guessed that Nat
ness around us for my eyes are
Curry must be another name for Mrs.
on the intricate movement of
Lane Curry). Here is her wonderful
horse’s legs ahead of me. Have I 1 ?
memoir of a trail ride: (BAG)
covered the secret of the smooth ri •
His hind legs are reaching far un
him with each step. Leaning over r
saddle to examine the hoofpnn
Black Watch Stables
smile again, observing that the 1
Maple Valley, Washington
hoof overstrides the front hoo p
My horse was carefully picking his
by about 20 inches in smooth goin-?'.
way along the rugged mountain trail.
Now we are riding side by S1 ’
(Continued on PaSe