1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 November Voice | Page 26

TENNESSEE WM . KING H 26 ' RSE 1 - \_ y
SUN ’ S ROCKET S . F ., s , by Setting Sun out of Merry Boy ’ s Betty , foaled April 3 , 1962 , Owner , Shivers Farm & Hatchery , Cuthbert , Ga .
ROWDY BOY F ., s , by Paige ’ s Black Boy out of Fulton ’ s Folly , foaled Apr . 17 , 1963 . Owner , L . E . Ford , Nashville , Tenn .
CHAMP DICTATOR , s , by Ray B . Allen , out of Idlemore ’ s Maid , foaled June 5 , 1963 . Owner , Howard E . Phillips , Camden , Ohio .
LIMOUSINE ’ S JANE , m , by Go Boys Limousine out of Warrior ’ s Brenda , foaled Apr . 26 , 1962 . Owner , Luther Roe , Edgefield , S . C .
SOCIETY MERRY GIRL , m , by Gordons Merry Boy out of Society Queen , foaled May 9 , 1961 . Owner , Mr . and Mrs . W . T . Bible , Chattanooga , Tenn .
DARK HORIZON , s , by Go Boy ’ s Cadillac out of Merry Sehoy , foaled May 24 , 1963 . Owner , Charles A . Caine , Safford , Ala .
GONE ON , s , by Go Boy ’ s Cadillac out of Jeannie Tripping Toe , foaled May 26 , 1963 . Owner , Charles A . Caine , Safford , Ala .
MIDNIGHT ’ S NANCY S ., m , by Atomic Secret out of Glory ’ s Nancy Lee , foaled Apr . 5 , 1963 . Owner , E . E . and Thelma L . Sparks , Coshocton , Ohio .
BLACK BOY ’ S ROCKET , s , by Paige ’ s Black Boy out of Lady Henderson , foaled May 20 , 1963 . Owner , Olin R . Henderson , Winchester , Tenn .
ELROD ’ S QUEEN BEE , m , by Daisy May ’ s Boy out of Wanda Girl Allen , foaled June 12 , 1962 . Owner , Elrod Bros ., Murfreesboro , Tenn .
LEE ’ S GO BOY , s , by Watch Me Go Boy T . F . out of Lee ’ s Lady Della foaled May 13 , 1962 . Owner , Mrs . Lucy Lee Davies , Nashville , Tenn .
SUN ’ S MISS ROBIN , m , by Sun ’ s Cock Robin out of Pat Sunshine , foaled Feb . 18 , 1963 . Owner , Mrs . T . F . Ford , Ontario , Calif .
MERRY MYSTIC BOY , s , by Go Boy Again out of Gro-Mars Merry Legs , foaled May 15 , 1961 . Owner , Harold Terry , Upton , Ky .
GINGERS SILVER MISTY , m . by Mann ’ s Silver Prince out of Rogers Ginger Girl , foaled Apr . 5 , 1955 . Owner , Wayne H . Stewart , Franklin , N . C .
WISER LADY W ., m , by Wiser Go Boy out of Red Lady Wallace , foaled Jan . 20 , 1963 . Owner , James S . Wallace , Arrington , Tenn .
GO BOY ’ S LADYBUG , m , by Merry Go Boy out of Della ’ s Roan Lady , foaled Mar . 31 , 1963 . Owner , Dr . W . D . Jones , Fayetteville , Tenn .
CHANCE ’ S MIDNIGHT , m , by Midnight Sun out of Mays Last Chance , foaled May 27 , 1963 . Owner , Dr . W . D . Jones , Fayetteville , Tenn .
LIMOUSINES LADY LOVE , m , by Go Boys Limousine out of Lake Lady , foaled June 4 , 1962 . Owner , C . F . Phail , Beech Island , S . C .
TIPPY TIM , s , by Shadow ’ s Fireball out of Nina Ray , foaled Mar . 27 , 1962 . Owner , Nancy G . Draughon , Springfield , Tenn .
RODGERS MERRY GO GIRL S ., m , by Rodgers Merry Go Boy out of Lil ’ s Gay Lass , foaled Jan . 20 , 1963 . Owner , Edw . Sappington , California , Mo .
RODGERS BRIGHT LADY , m , by Rodgers Merry Go Boy out of Hattie Wilson , foaled Jan . 12 , 1963 . Owner , Edw . Sappington , California , Mo .
GIGALO ’ S JET ACE , s , by Dance ’ s Gypsy G . out of Queen of Cottondale , foaled Apr . 18 , 1961 . Owner , Cecil O , Hart , Malta Bend , Mo .
TOWNSEND ’ S LADY , m , by Raschs White Boy out of Lee ’ s Lady Della , foaled May 12 , 1955 . Owner , Chalmus Townsend , Minor Hill , Tenn .
COPPER GLO ALLEN , m , by Sir Mobley of Kent out of Daisy May Barker , foaled July 8 , 1958 . Owner , Sandra , Susan and Dianne Fixott , Lake Grove , Oregon ,
MR . ROCK ’ N ROLL , s , by Stop The Music out of Rosemcre Rose , foaled July 15 , 1958 . Owner , Ralph or Naomi Kibler , Bucyrus , Ohio .
LITTLE MISS PRIDE , m , by Allen Knight out of Topsy G ., foaled Apr . 15 , I960 . Owner , Orion Akers , Daylight , Tenn .
LUCIFER ’ S SUN , s , by Sun ’ s High Noon out of Hilda VanDeventer , foaled Aug . 11 , 1961 . Owner , Charles H . Strange , Morristown , Tenn .
MUNDY HERRON , m , by Bub Burnett out of Owen ’ s Dawn , foaled April 13 , 1959 . Owner , Gordon Herron , Federal Way , Wash .
HOOT-MON , s , by Rippling Wilson out of Rcddie Girl , foaled April 3 , 1963 . Owner , Douglas F . Webb , Goodlettsville , Tenn .
SUN DUST SAM , s , by Sun-Dust out of Merry Maritta , foaled April 25 , 1963 . Owner , L . E . Wright , Lewisburg , Tenn .
LITTLE BROWN JUG W . A . W ., s , by Sun ’ s Jet Parade , out of Roxie Wjlson foaled Apr . 4 , 1961 . Owner , W . Allen Walker , Manchester , Tenn .
QUEEN ’ S GO BOY , JR ., s , by Cotton Oucen ’ s Go Boy out of Queen of Rose J ., foaled Apr . 1 , 1963 . Owner , Bob Guinn , Savannah , Tenn .
WILSON HEIR ’ S BUDDY , g , by Tip Top Wilson ’ s Heir out of West ’ s Lady May , foaled June 21 , 1962 . Owner , Jill Bubeck , West Union , 111 .
BELL BUCKLE CHANCE , s , by Last Chance out of Mamies Delight , foaled June 19 , 1947 . Owner , A . M . Dement , Normandy , Tenn .
POLLY P . V . Q ., m , by Bell Buckle Chance out of Irresistable Chance , foaled July 8 , 1962 . Owner , Bruce PL Elrod , Murfreesboro , Tenn .
TRAVELERS QUEEN ANN O ., m , by The Traveler ’ s Ace out of Patsy G ,, foaled May 22 , 1956 . Owner , Richard O ’ Brien , Nashville , Tenn ,
CAPTAIN CAVALIER , g , by Captain Eddie out of Mary Harris , foaled April 15 , 1958 . Owner , Mrs . IT . B . Whaley , Mobile , Al . a
MERRY LOUBOBB , m , by John Mosby out of Go Boy ’ s Sunday Belle , foaled May 12 , 1962 . Owner , Emmett E . Richardson , Monroe , N . C .
TONY FITE , s , by Merry Block Buster out of Susan ’ s Whjtey , foaled May 3 , 1962 . Owner , Morris E . Fite , Waggoner , 111 .
GOLD BUG ’ S WHITE ONE , m , by Plantaion Gold Bug II out of Rambler ’ s Queen , foaled Feb . 25 , 1963 . Owner , Bill and Susan Sheppard , Brush Creek , Tenn .
ARISTOCRATIC GLORY C ., m , by Glory ’ s Merry Boy B . out of Playes Bright Eyes , foaled Apr . 11 , 1962 . Owner , A . FI . Clifton , Ethridge , Tenn .
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