1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 November Voice | Page 25

INGH0RSE NOVEMBER STATELY’S SHADOW, s, by Stately Go- Boy out of W, C. Fair Warning, foaled June 10, 1962. Owner, C. V. Derickson, Escalon, Calif. BUDDY HANCOCK, s, by Buddy Lee out of Lady Lou Farmer, foaled Apr. 28, 1959. Owner, Wiley Hancock, Buffalo Val­ ley, Tenn. OSAGE STERLING SUN, m, by Seal­ ing Silver H. out of Indian Summer M., foaled May 19, 1963. Owner, Dr. P. T. Powell, Ponca City, Okla. WANDA’S GOLDEN FURY, s, by Gold­ en Knight out of Cummings White Angel, foaled April 27, 1962. Owner, Charles Louis Warlick, Cartersville, Ga. THE FLYING IMP ALA, s, by The Fly­ ing Dollar out of Jewel’s Fancy Queen, foaled June 2, 1963. Owner, Arthur R. Harlow, Whitefish, Montana. BAY MERRY BABE, m, by Suns Little Merry Boy out of Tenn. Prom Johnson, foaled Apr. 20, 1963. Owner, Virginia M. Boyd, Albuquerque, N. Mex. QUEEN’S SHADOW R., m, by Jolic’s Go Boy out of Lady Astor R., foaled May 28, 1962. Owner, C. D. Robinson, Lynn- villc, Tenn. DOLL’S DANDY DUKE, s, by Mc- Nabbs Midnight Kid out of Walking Doll B., foaled March 20, 1963. Owner, Mrs. Charlotte A. Batzelle, Wichita, Kans. SUN’S DIABALO, s, by Setting Sun out of Merry Boys Sub-Deb. foaled May 9, 1962. Owner, Mrs. Fred Shivers, Cuthbert, Ga. SUN’S MERRY BOY A., s, by Sun’s Top Man out of Owens Midnight Angel, foaled Apr. 28, 1963. Owner, Elizabeth B. Anderson. Keswick, Va. MARY ANNA H. G., m, by Only Chance out of Margie Ann, foaled Apr. 27, 1963. Owner, Hobart Griffith, McMinnville, Tenn. MACKS SHOWGIRL ANN, m, by Mack’s Lucky Boy out of Sun’s Showgirl Ann, foaled May 3, 1962. Owner, John G. Robertson, Camden, Tenn. CHAMBER’S HI-TONE, m, by Dav is Mack out of Patsy Hi-Tone, foaled March 3, 1961. Owner, Triple J Farm, Ivy Cham­ bers, Blakely, Ga. HIGHLAND BEAUTY E. M., m, by Warrior Mary Mount T. F. out of Amber Lady, foaled June 30, 1962. Owner, Van S. Malcolm, Silver Springs, Md. LADY ALLEN’S CHIP, m, by Big Sandy out of Lady Allen’s Diana, foaled March 31, 1963. Owner, Edwin Lloyd, Van Burcn, Ark. STAR SMITH, m, by Midnight Sunset out of Velvet Ribbon, foaled June 15, 1960. Owner, Warner C. Smith, Tullahoma, Tenn. HOPKINS ASTRONAUT, s, by Rodgers Perfection out of Bess’ Midnight Star, foaled April 3, 1961. Owner, Mrs. Jewel Hopkins Boyd, Nashville, Tenn. ALLENE DARE T., m, by Allen Dare out of Mary Jean, foaled May 2, 1951. Owner. Melvin B. Turner, Antioch, Tenn. SPECIAL ISSUE IN JANUARY The most complete promotional service ever offered to both large and small breeders of Tennessee Walking Horses is being prepared for our January issue. A full-page advertisement (complete with photograph, pedigree, and other information of interest to breeders), 1000 copies of this page, one years’ listing in the VOICE Stud Registry, and location of your stallion on a coded map of the United States will constitute a promotional package of rare merit. Since the VOICE reaches virtually every one in the Walking Horse world, you will not want to miss this opportunity to show what your stallion has to offer. Details and materials are being mailed to every known breeder; if you do not receive our full announcement by December 10, please write us at once. We will gladly place you on our special mailing list and keep you informed of new features and developments in our services to the Walking Horse industry. FOR SALE Top-bred mares, colts and yearlings Mares bred to Midnight Sun, Midnight Mack K and Stately’s Go Boy Visitors Always Welcome LESLIE WHITE Columbia, Tennessee Phone 388-4750 or 583-2373 WRITE VOICE PUBLISHING COMPANY Box 3054 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404