1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 November Voice | Page 9
TEN^jaj'wii-KING H1'9,;RS£
for last as the saying goes. The
Grand Championship Walking
Mid moss hung oaks over a cen Horse Stake saw Doug Wolaver
tury old in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, retire the original World’s Cham
stands the John M. Parker Agri pionship Challenge Trophy known
cultural Center; center of the beau as the Governor’s Trophy pre
tiful L.S.U. Campus and also scene sented by Mrs. Jimmie H. Davis.
of the 1963 Dixie Horse Show Jubi Other awards were presented by
lee. Excellent facilities and a corps Mr. Gordon Hampton, Director
of experienced and hard working and Chairman of the Board of the
individuals provided exhibitors Dixie Horse Show Jubilee.
with the incentive to put on one of
the most exciting shows of the with Doug Wolaver up put on one
of the most exciting exhibitions
Tennessee Walking Horses, nod ever seen by anyone, proving that
ding their way further into the they were truly Champions all the
hearts of a warm and receptive way in a truly Championship
audience, were chosen as stars of Show.
Judges for the 1964 Jubilee were
the show in the midst of the finest
equine in the country. Spectators Bob Berry, Kendalia, Texas, C. A.
were held captive by the perfor Bobo, Thomasville, North Carolina
mance of these carefully bred and and Vic Thompson, Shelbyville,
trained animals which were shown Tennessee.
to the peak of their ability by top
trainers and riders from all over
the land.
Baton Rouge, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 19B3
As is the policy of the Jubilee,
Walking Grand Championship Stake:
a free show is given on Saturday (1) MACK K’S HANDSHAKER, Doug
up for W. M. Wolaver, Pu
and those attending are not only laski, Tenn.
& Nelson Gibson, Brook-
treated to a fine show, but are also haven, Miss.; (2) THE SOCIETY
H. Noblin up for M. L.
eligible for a host of prizes that
Cashion, Jr., Jackson, Miss.: (3)
are given each year. Of course the HAPPY
DAY’S AGAIN. Jimmy Hollo
high-light of the matinee comes as way up for C. D. Maddox Stables,
some lucky youngster is presented West, Miss.; (4) SPUR’S COM
Jack Moorman up for Ryan-
with a pleasure horse complete MANDER,
McArthur Chevrolet Co., Hattiesburg,
with saddle and bridle.
Hugh up for Crawford &
The L.S.U. Football game pro Buddy
Green, Montgomery, Ala. & Shelby
vided added enjoyment for those ville, Tenn.; (6) SHADOW’S CELE
wanting to take advantage of the BRATION, Jimmy Waddell up for
B. Lovinggood, Hendersonville. N.C.;
break between the morning and J.
(7) SON’S GO BOY AGAIN, Wallace
night shows. Mississippi spectators Brandon up for Frank Mason, Dallas,
and exhibitors especially enjoyed Tex.; (8) PERFECTION’S REMEDY,
Webb up for Dr. Porter Rodgers,
the day as Ole Miss soundly Joe
Jr., Searcy, Ark.
trounced L.S.U.
Amateur-Owner Stake: (1) MACK
Tension mounted as Stake night K’S COUNTRY SQUIRE, L. J. Spen
up for Gulf Hills Dude Ranch &
arrived £nd, though all classes cer
Country Club, Ocean Springs, Miss.;
were excellent, the best was saved (2) THE MIDNIGHT DONNEVILLE,
Miss Judith Holmes, Shreveport, La.;
(3) GO BOY’S MEG, Shirley Sharp,
Dallas, Tex.; (4) SHADOW’S SHAD-
RACK, Frank Parnell, Newbem,
Tenn.; (5) MAGIC NIGHT, Marjorie
Gill up for Lin-Mar Stables, Louise,
Wright up for Lone Star Stables,
Nacogdoches, Tex.; (7) PRIDE OF
SPRING, Gayden Schrock, Poplar-
ville, Miss.; (8) SHADOW’S REPLICA,
Sharon Terry, Cleveland, Miss.
Waddell up for C. C. Coon, Oakland,
Calif.; (2) JOHNNY MIDNIGHT, Neal
Branscum up for A. S. Dean,
Christiana, Tenn.; (3) MERRY BOY’S
FLAME. George Livingstone up for
Smith Oil Co., Mendenhall, Miss.; (4)
SUN SET BLAZE, Jimmy Holloway
up for W. M. Duncan, Inverness, Miss.;
Brandon up for Randolph Farms,
Clearwater, Fla.; (6) JET’S COTTON
QUEEN, Doug Wolaver up for Wola
ver Stables, Pulaski, Tenn.; (7) SUN-
DUST XMAS BELL, Buddy Black up
for Mr. and Mrs. Penn Mohon, Coving
ton, Tenn.; (8) JET’S DESTINY, Wink
Groover up for F. H. Harben, Knox
villa, Tenn.
Two-Year-Old Championship Stake:
(1) GUNSMOKE’S SUN, Buddy Hugh
up for Mr. & Mrs. Barkley Brock,
Clinton, Mo.; (2) GO BOY’S CRYSTAL,
Richard Pate, owner-rider, West Point,
Miss.; (3) SUNDUST PRIDE, Wallace
Brandon up for Hank Sheely, Dallas.
Tex.; (4) JET’S ROCKET, Wink
Groover up for Jerry Armstrong, En
glewood, Tenn.; (5) GO BOY’S BIG
JACK, Buddy Black up for Lin-Mar
Stables, Louise, Miss.; (6) PERFEC
for Dr. & Mrs. Porter Rodgers, Jr..
Searcy, Ark.; (7) SULTAN’S COPPER
KING, George Livingstone up for Mr.
& Mrs. J. W. Wolfe, Columbia, Miss.;
Smith up for Frank Roper, Winter
Garden, Fla.
Amateur-Owner Walking Geldings:
Waters, Jr., Alexandria, La.; (2) THE
MASQUERADER, Marjorie Gill up for
Lin-Mar Stables, Louise, Miss.; (3) GO
BOOGER GO, Shirley Sharp up for
Sharp & Mason, Dallas, Tex.; (4) GO
BOY’S JET, R. P. Lindsey, Little Rock,
Ark.; (5) PRIDE OF SPRING, Gayden
Schrock, Poplarville, Miss.; (6)
TOUCHE’, Judy Knowles, Brentwood,
Tenn.; (7) REX GO MAN, Judy
Holmes, Shreveport, La.; (8) THE
SUN DUST KID, Sara Beth Robinson
up for Circle R Stables, West Point,
Senior Walking Horsemanship: (1)
Diana Armstrong, Baton Rouge, La.;
(2) Sherill Marks, El Dorado, Ark.;
(3) Lewis Bordelon, LaFayette, La.;
(4) Melanie Campbell, Brookhaven,
Miss.; (5) Dale Bernard, New Iberia,
La.; (6) Valeria Campbell, Brookhaven,
Miss.; (7) Cynthia Verret, Lake Charles
Cynthia Verret, Lake
Charles, La.; (8) Hallie Goodling, Meri
dian, Miss.
Junior Walking Horsemanship: (1)
Gayle Moore, Lake Charles, La.; (2)
Amy Waters, Alexandria, La.; (3) John
(Continued on Page 13)