1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 May Voice | Page 26
May, 1963
really love him. We use him for pleas
ure as he has no registration papers.
He has a giant stride of about five
feet with no weights! He is shod reg
Mrs. John W. Graham of Hawkeye,
Iowa, says: “The magazine has
brought many hours of pleasure to us.
The articles, pictures and registra
By Voice Secretary
tions are thoroughly read. For Christ
mas we ordered the model of the
Another of our doctor friends, Dr. TWH advertised in your magazine.
(Continued from page 23)
R. E. Frazier, 203 Coop Bldg., Tulla- We are quite happy with it.”
Voice. We certainly look forward to horaa, Term, writes briefly, “I am
each and every issue. We have a thoroughly enjoying my subscription
granddaughter of Midnight Sun we to the Voice of the Tennessee Walk
“Dear Ben, Enclosed is check for
are training now and also a grand ing Horse.”
our renewal. Our 2-year-old stud by
daughter of Old Glory. Both look
Champion Major Wilson is
real promising. Sincerely, Mr. and
The W. F. Brownley, Jrs., Route 1, World’s
Mrs. Keith C. Hootman, Rt. 2, Box Renfrew, Penna, have recently be in training and looks as good (or
192, Keosauqua, Iowa."
come owners of two registered Walk better) than his sire. Love The Voice.
# *
ing Horses—one of them almost two Keep up the good work on the maga
years old and they are training the zine and on yourself, too! Let’s have
Student Thinks Of Daddy
more Ohio news about Term. Walk
Front Roger Dale Hand, an Au horses themselves. They asked for a ers and farms etc. Come on up and
burn, ,41a. student comes this message,
see some of them!! We’ll put you up,
"I really do enjoy the Voice. It is just was recommended by us. They also Sincerely, T. C. Renick, 195 14th Ave.,
what Walking Horses needed. 1 hope
Columbus. (I don’t believe BAG has
you will keep up the good work. Con wish them much luck with their seen this one. Know he’ll want to take
tinue to send my copy of the Voice to
off, when he does. He is the ‘goinesL’
Rt. 2, Heflin, Ala. I am in school at
person there is—often wants to be in
King’s Margie To Foal
Auburn now, but 1 want my Voice to
2 or three places at once!)
go home so Daddy can read it too.”
One of our lawyer friends, “Charles
L. King, P. O. Box 115, Gridley, Calif,
2, Bucyrus,
Mrs. Ted Vesely of the Ted Vesley got his wife to write the following:
Music Co. 1729 E. Charleston Blvd., “Sorry our check is late and we hope Ohio, writes: “Here’s my renewal to
Las Vegas, Nevada, makes the Editor’s that our subscription will not lapse. Voice. Never let us miss a copy. Mrs.
heart glad with the following letter: We would not like to miss one of your Kibler and I are about the only breed
‘‘Enclosed is a check for the renewal issues. We enjoy the publication very ers of Walking Horses in our Craw
of our subscription. We look forward much. Mr. King and I are ardent ford Co. Bucyrus, Ohio. We appreci
eagerly for the arrival of the Voice TWH enthusiasts. My mare “King’s ate the Voice very much and are so
each month, devour it from cover to Margie” should produce a foal, by glad the sun is shining again at your
at the Celebration.”
cover and dream—and dream—. We Stately Go Boy, about Apr. 23rd. We door. Will C you
are still hoping, some day, to get to are training our filly ‘April’s Merry
From Athens, Ga., comes a nice
Tennessee to meet you and your won Breeze’ that we purchased last May.
derful wife and attend the Celebra She will be three this month and we letter from T. Michael Dekle, 145
tion. Our business was just one year are quite proud of her. Best regards Dekle Drive. He says: “Reading your
magazine has developed into one of
old on Feb. 16 and we are still in the and every' good wish.”
my favorite habits. The thought that
struggling stage. Our eventual goal
I would not receive any more issues
is to be able to retire from the music
made me write this letter and send my
business, and raise horses, which
111. writes; “Sorry' to be so late with renewal. I wish to congratulate you
means that we’ll have to work doubly our
renewal, but we got so busy up for your successful year with the
hard the next 5 or 10 years as we are
on this 350 acre farm in Illinois Voice. Our family finds it entertain
now 50 years old. 'But if ye have here
whether I had sent check ing as well as informative. I wish you
faith, even as a mustard seed’. . . . We or not. forgot
So am going to make doubly many happy years of success with the
had a wonderful letter from Virginia sure, that we don’t miss a single is
magazine. Thank you very much.”
Lamb who wrote to us after having sue of the Voice, so here’s $4.”
read my letter which you published
“We are greatly interested in the
in the Voice. Orchids and red roses
One of our very young friends—a Voice Magazine. We look forward to
to that extraordinary lady, too! With
warmest wishes to you and yours for teenager—Gail Jones, 616 W. Lelia receiving it each month,” writes Mrs.
Street, Florence, Ala., sends a lovely Clarence T. Goodson, of Goodson
continued success and good faith.”
letter our way: “I have really enjoyed Stables, Rt. 2, Box 8, Galax, Va. “We
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roberts, Box your magazine this past year. I es have the only Tennessee Walking
486, Hesperia, Calif, really stuck their pecially like your articles on horse Horse stables located here. My hus
necks out with the following commu show results and the horse show band is a trainer and my daughter
nication: “Please renew our subscrip schedule in the March issue. I am also shows in juvenile classes. Would
tion to your dedicated Magazine. We really looking forward to the summer you please send the price lists for ad
will always buy anything you print.” vacation and I will spend the time vertising in your magazine as I would
riding horses and going to horse like to advertise in it?” (The Voice
Ralph H. Wilson, 4548 Stow Rd., shows. I expect to show our 3 year Editor hurried a letter to Mrs. Good-
Stow, Ohio, writes: “Please continue old in some Ladies'