1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 May Voice | Page 25
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse
By Voice Secretary
house buL not in this office.” As Your
Secretary noticed the gleam in his
eyes, she decided that he really meant
those words, so she has been as “meek
as a mouse" while in the office.
A note from Mrs. William R.
Chumney, Rt. 1, Box 37-A, Ontario,
Va. says, "Enclosed is a check for our
renewal to Voice. My husband and I
have found your magazine very inter
esting and helpful.”
Dr. Harry D. Ridgley, 130 No.
Riverside Ave., Rialto, California, de
lights us by saying; “Please send me
another copy of the Biography and
renew by subscription to the Voice—
a great journal for a great horse.”
A note from Mrs. Arthur Tharp,
Rt. 1, Owensville, Mo., comes with
Dear Friends:
her renewal—"Please renew our sub
Your Renewals and Notes have
scription to Voice. Your magazine is
been ‘as welcome as the flowers in
a must at our house.”
May.’ Many thanks. Wish I could use
every single one o£ them. Even tho’
“Please renew our subscription to
James A. Sterett, 2715 Hall Avenue,
that is impossible, each one is read the Voice. The whole family always Marinette, Wisconsin says; “We cer
and appreciated.
looks forward to each issue of this tainly do enjoy reading your maga
Your Editor of the Voice is still magazine. Sincerely yours,” Martha zine. We have two Tennessee Walk
able to wear his hat, for which I’m Meek Rt. 4, Columbia, Tenn.
ing Horses for pleasure and have
thankful. But like the measles, he
spent many hours with them.”
* * *
has broken out with another kind!
Mrs. Victor Bailey, Lambert, Miss,
This time his office is loo small and writes: “We have always been inter
Here is a message from David Siria,
he just had to have more room, so we ested in sports as our hobby, but since Rt. 2, Madisonville, Ky., which your
decided to make the carport into an we starting showing Tenn. Walking Voice Secretary quotes with an
office—just doing a few essential things Horses, we have had the time of our ulterior motive—namely—that it will
lives. My husband is an Amateur but give some more of our kind readers
to it, at present.
Well, you've heard of The House has had quite a bit of success showing the same idea: "Enclosed find $5.00
That Jack Built—how it grew and our horses. I want to congratulate for the Biography, which is for our
grew! The same think has happened you and Mrs. Green on the success of school library—South Hopkins High
to that carport! First, we would just your magazine. May it get larger and School, Rt. 1, Nortonville, Ky. Also
ceil the walls. Then the top looked better as the years go by. I hope now check is enclosed for my Voice re
too bad, so it was ceiled also. Next, that the first year is over, that you will newal.”
they had to be painted. The garage have smooth sailing from now on.”
“Please find enclosed our check for
door has been replaced with a $139
The 3 members of the Wolfe fami another year’s subscription to the
double glass storm door, a new $25
folding ladder has taken the place ly of 414 Board Street, Columbia,
(Continued on page 24)
of the terrible looking shaky straight Miss, are Walking Horse enthusiasts
ladder, and floor covering is to be and Mrs. Wiley Wolfe sends in re
newal for her young daughter, Debbie
Saturday the office was moved from Wolfe, with this high praise—“Your
BAR-B-DON Stables
a tiny room in the house into its "new publication brings more pleasure to
quarters and the Editor is all smiles, our house than any other that comes.
• BROOD MARES, direct
although everything in the office is We three almost fight to see who gets
daughters of Midnight Sun.
topsy-turvey. Some of the neighbors it first. Keep up the good work.”
With Colts by Side.
insist that we need draw curtains over
Mrs. FI. Wilke, Rt. 1, Box 43,
the glass door, but Yours Truly balks
right there, even if the Editor does Savanna, 111., writes, “My subscription
expired with the March issue. Please
work in his pajamas half the time.
Of course there is still lighting, renew. I’ve enjoyed every issue of the
heating, and maybe air conditioning Voice."
Maids Midnight Blue
to come later, but we’re in! It is good
Uses A Ring Binder
to have a little more room in the
(By Midnight Pleasure R G out
house and for BAG to write uninter
“Have enjoyed your magazine this
of Merry Maiden)
rupted while he has Country Music past year and have bound all 1962 is
on full blast.
sues in a ring binder. I enjoy looking
Sterlings Sunset
Last night, Your Secretary looked through the past issues as well as the
in on a happy scene—BAG was in pa current ones. Wishing you continued
SS 560555
(By Sterling Silver out of
jamas with hat on, pecking a mile a success.” This is from the pen of our
Sunset's Orphan)
minute on the typewriter and Roy
AcufI—King of Country Music—was Ohio and is written on the back of a
singing on the radio loud enough to Daily Surgery Schedule.
wake the dead! So, all is well on the
“Sorry that I let my subscription
Green Home Front!
lapse a month without sending Re
D. L. CASSIDY, D.V.M., Owner
P.S. I forgot to tell you that my newal check, but appreciate you send
BOB ONEY, Trainer
Lord and Master threw out his chest ing the March issue. I think that you
and flexed his muscles, as he announc and Mrs. Green are doing a marvelous
ed to me and to some neighbor visit job. Will see you at the Murray Farm
Phone HO 5-3311
ors; "I am the boss in this office. Mary Sale,” writes Robert Wiggins, Rt. 2,
Frances may order me around in the Edison, Georgia.