6 October , 1962
Jan Wright Sweeps Record 4 Blues At Dallas
On November 20 , 1962 , at Nacogdoches , Texas , Jan Wright will surely have a birthday party . She will be 11 years old .
Among the gills on hand will be a Tennessee Walking Horse record ol competitive riding that the Voice believes is without equal in the history of the breed for any other little girl — achieved during her tenth year .
Actually this record cannot be called a gift — not by any means .
It has been truly earned over a period of time that started with the spring of 1962 , ran through the summer , soared to the heights at the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration at Shelbyville and kept right along in orbit during the State Fair of Texas Horse Show at Dallas , Oct . 5-9 .
At the Dallas show Jan swept blue ribbons in four classes — believed to be without precedent for a 10-year-old rider .
She won classes in which a total of 29 contestants look part — there being 11 in the Juvenile Champion Stake for riders up to 18 years old ; 6 in the Equitation ( Walking Horse Seat ) class for riders 12 years old and under ; -1 in the Walking Horse Seat Championship ; and 8 in the Juvenile Stake for riders 12 years old and under . A little more than a month earlier little Jan had won the Celebration ’ s World ’ s Championship for the Juvenile Class with riders 12 years old and under . She also took part in several other Celebration classes involving older riders and took ribbons , and rode a borrowed pony in one class .
Her record all year has been a succession of victories under almost every conceivable condition — before many different judges .
Most of these triumphs have come on Dark Shadow — formerly known as Walkaway Dark Shadow .
This mare is a five-year-old that just seems to fit Jan — and Jan fits the horse . She also rode at times her Honeytime — another mount in the Lone Star Stables maintained by the Texas Farm Products Co ., which Jan ’ s grandfather founded . Her father , Joe Wright , is vice-president of this big company that deals in feed , fertilizer and poultry with retail outlets in several states .
Dark Shadow was sired by Go Boy ’ s Shadow out of Amber Star . In her background on her dam ' s side are Limestone Wilson ( by Wilson ’ s Allen out of Nellie ’ s Black ) and Dixie Green Bailey ( by Spider out of Mc Mahon ’ s Nell — a daughter of Hiles Allen F-72 .)
Jan ' s reputation as an “ exciting rider " who gives a lift to all who look upon her in the ring has circled the nation and probably the globe since her sweep of victories began last spring in the Southwest Circuit .
She took two firsts and a reserve at New Orleans ; a reserve at Beaumont , Tex .; two firsts and a third in Little Rock , Ark .; two firsts in Oklahoma City , Okla .; first in Tulsa , Okla .; and a first in Houston .
Then during a vacation visit in Middle Tennessee she competed in open classes and in four one-niglu shows swept two firsts , a second and a third — and in the process defeated 30 adults riders , practically all being men . One show was in Georgia . There were no Juvenile or Ladies classes .
Always with her are her parents , Mr . and Mrs . Joe Wright ; and with her horses is Trainer Bill Moore , who has been with Lone Star Stables since this operation was started by the Texas Farm Products Co .
Only time can disclose the future for little Jan Wright — the 84-pound girl with sunshine in her haid and a perpetual smile on her face . She has a start in life that no little girl of her age ever before gained on the back of a Tennessee Walking Horse .
For now , her sixth grade school duties are foremost . She has always been a “ grade A student ."
Party Line
“ That Wonderful World ”
‘‘ I and my family are newcomers to the wonderful world of the Tennessee Walker , but horse and pony owners all our lives ," says Mrs . Merle R . Trimnell , Route 4 , Box 176 , Franklin , Indiana .
“ After our 13-year-old son ’ s horse died in January of colic , we gave him permission to use money from his savings to buy a Tennessee Walking mare . At the time I owned a beautiful young sorrel ( W . M . T .) highspirited Western horse . Now since beautiful , trim , lovable 10-year-old Pat ( red sorrel ) came to our home to live , I traded my Western for her .
“ Even though she is a grade mare and a pleasure animal , we are the envy of all our horse-loving friends and she is the only one ( Tennessee Walker ) in our vicinity .
“ I subscribed to your magazine to learn more about the T . W . H . and I am very thankful to you for the wonderful magazine , especially the articles we pleasure riders can benefit from . Anxiously awaiting the next issue .”
( Mrs . Trimnell , your report is quite similar to others we have read and heard about , The Tennessee Walker is “ truly different " and folks who find out this difference become Walker boosters in the No . 1 rank . BAG ).
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Husbands Attention ! How To Please Wives
There ’ s a big lesson to husbands in a letter we have received from Mrs . Milton Zemlyn , 1017 Park Blvd ., Chester , Illinois . She says site ' s a “ novice , never having seen a Walking Horse until last November ," but if you turn the page you find her com menting : “ The possibilities of the Walking Horse as a pleasure horse are unlimited . My husband recently presented me with a pleasure-show horse . This five-year-old , jet black gelding is a true pleasure to handle and work , so I can personally recommend this fine experience .”
Mrs . Zemlyn also said : “ Your valiant efforts in behalf of this gentle and willing breed are bearing fruit ! The Tennessee Walking Horse is becoming increasingly popular in outpart of the country . It is a thrill surpassing no other to see these fine horses perform their distinctive gaits in the show ring — so much so that even the ‘ gaited ’ men comment in admiration ." ( Mrs . Zemlyn , it is fine for you to “ discover " the Tennessee Walking Horse , but it ’ s even finer for the horse to “ discover " a supporter 1 ike you . It ’ s great to have you on the Walking Horse team . BAG .)