4 October , 1962
On Borrowed Time He Finishes School , Starts Training
( continued from paged ) always loved horses and went with his Daddy whenever he could . At first Sam would walk and lead the pony . Later we bought him a buggy and he and Donald rode to school .
Attacks of pain would come on Sam overnight , and he would hate to go get an operation . At one time it was so bad he had to stay in bed for 13 months .
1 remember that on one occasion Sam was in the hospital for three months and I did not go home a single time . He has had a total of 31 major operations — the last being five years ago . He also suffers much from arthritis — and wakes up in the morning often with sever pains in his back . I often rub him with liniment to help relieve this pain .
He wanted to keep on with school — whenever he was able to go — and he studied a great deal in bed . He could not participate in athletics of any kind — but saL on the sidelines and wa tclied other youngsters .
Sam ' s Daddy had some Tennessee Walking Horses but did not train them . Sam showed his little Shetland Pony sometimes at picnics and small fairs when he was able . He and Donald developed a barn for Walking Horses at Porterfield but at first Donald did all the riding and Sam coached from the ground . Lated Sam had a barn at Woodbury but had a sudden attack and had to close down the barn — although Donald helped him for a time .
The doctors taught me to do many things in nursing Sam — how to give hypodermics , take respirations and handle other things . But it seemed that he could not gain relief from pain without more scraping of the bone to get rid of abscesses .
It was only after we bouglu this farm at Murfreesboro ( Cilyview Stables on E . Main St .) that Sam was able to ride consistently . His barn has never been closed while here — although once he could not go to the barn for an entire year . Capable help was on hand to keep it open .
He surely has been a brave boy , I ’ ll tell you . If he had not been brave he wouldn ’ t be here . One can hardly believe how much suffering we have seen him undergo at these times .
Three Champions — two World ’ s Grand Champion Horses and their World ’ s Champion Trainer — Sam Paschal . Ebony Masterpiece ( left ) won this year ; Setting Sun won in 1958 . When pictured both were at Cilyview Stables but Selling Sun is being converted to an amateur horse to be ridden by Betty Ann Bullard — daughter of the turner . M . M . Bullard of ISeicport . Trim .
I believe Sam has the best religion there is . He believes that if it were not [ of god — he would not be here . Often he says he wished he had been a minister . He loves religious singing .
I remember when Sam was 13 years old the doctors gave up hope for his life . That happened at least three times . Also they wanted to amputate his leg . Sam heard the nurses talking about “ amputation ” one time and Sam told me : “ Mother , don ' t let them amputate . If I go , I want to go all in one piece .” He never would let us give up .
Often Sam and Donald worked together . I recall one time they went out horse-trading for three days in an automobile , with Donald carrying Sam to the car . They bought 46 horses on that trip and Sam did not get out of the car except at night . Sam estimates he and Donald have bought or sold thousands of horses in their trading .
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