1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 May Voice | Page 3
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse
the newspaper yarn:
of the
Tennessee Walking Horse
B en A. G reen .................... Publisher-Editor
“A special track event at .the Red
M rs . B en A. G reen ....................... Secretary
Bluff Roundup on April 28 and 29
will give horse lovers and rodeo fans
(This monthly magazine is dedicated to the welfare
a look at an outstanding Tennessee
of the Tennessee Walking Horse breed for show and
Walking Horse, rodeo headquarters
OUR AIM—To maintain a permanent publication
that will merit the full support of all who love
announced today.
the Tennessee Walking Horse.
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse is owned
“The special exhibition will feature
by Ben A. Green and Mrs. Ben A. Green, Shclby-
the Champion Tennessee Walking
villc, Tcnn., and its editorial contents can be used
for re-publication by any person or firm provided
Horse ‘Go-Boy’s Captain,' and will
proper credit is given and the magazine is correctly
demonstrate the unusual and flashy
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse is pub
gaits of this outstanding breed.
lished monthly at 1110 South Brittain St., Shelby-
villc, Tcnn.
“The horse is owned and trained by
Send all subscription payments and advertising
payments to Ben A. Green, Shelbyvillc, Tcnn.
the J. H. Trisdale Stables of Ander
Subscription Price: $-1 per year; single copy
50 cents.
son, who have done much to make the
breed increasingly popular in this
area. Exhibition was arranged by Mr.
and Mrs. Donald V. Smith of Red
Bluff, who are owners and fanciers of
the Tennessee Walking Horse.
“ 'Go-Boy’s Captain’ was rated the
West Coast Junior Champion Walk
ing Horse at the Cow Palace in San
Friends, this may be just the good Francisco last fall, and will show the
year 1962 for most folks—but it is three gaits, the running walk, flat-foot
Breakthrough Year for the Tennessee walk and the canter.
“This year will mark the first time
Walking Horse. There are signs every
where pointing to this fact. They vary this breed has appeared at the Red
greatly and many of them are not ap Bluff Roundup and should prove an
interesting feature.”
parent now.
In a letter to us Donald says in
Two great signs that foretell the
part, after showing appreciation for
year are already known to us.
One—the Tennessee Walking Horse the No. 1 issue of the Voice: “You
National Celebration at Shelbyville will remember when I first wrote to
has advanced its opening night to you that I mentioned the suggestion
Sunday, Aug. 26, with a free show you made in your book concerning
starting at 8 p.m. This is the first in promotion of interest in the Tennes
crease in Celebration night shows see Walking Horse. I also mentioned
since the schedule was advanced to at that time that Mrs. Smith and I
six nights in 1954. Also the Na were thoroughly sold on them and we
tional Futurity sponsored by the Ten are doing all that we can in our small
nessee Walking Horse Breeders & Ex way to generate interest out here.”
Donald—you and the Missus have
hibitors’ Assn, with headquarters in
Lewisburg, Tenn. has been scheduled not done anything small in this in
for Saturday night, Aug. 25 at the stance. You have done something real
Celebration Grounds. This means big for the breed, and your achieve
eight straight comfortable nights of ment is another footstep in Tennessee
horse showing. That, in truth, is a Walking Horse history'.
great Breakthrough.
Other breakthroughs known to us
Two—for the first time in all time include:
the Tennessee Walking Horse was ex
Registrations at the Tennessee
hibited April 28-29 in the Red Bluff Walking Horse Breeders’ and Ex
Roundup in Red Bluff, Calif. See hibitors’ Assn, of America, Inc., rose
what the Red Blu(T Daily News had to a near-record 3,500 last year; mem
to say about this appointment that bership soared too with 90 added at
means a tremendous gain for the Ten the last directors’ meeting; Executive
nessee Walker in the land that Don Secretary Tom Fulton mentioned half
ald V. Smith (Red Bluff attorney) a dozen important shows adding
calls “hard-bitten, hard-riding cow Walking Horse classes.
country’’ that usually sees only cow
The Florida Tennessee Walking
horses, bucking horses and racing Horse Assn, organized with Presi
quarter horses at a roundup. Here’s dent Charlie Goldswig (winter Flori-
1962—A Breakthrough
Year For The
Tennessee Walker
Professional Opinion
(Note—The Voice Editor and his Beloved
Secretary (Wife) are proud and happy to
receive the following expressions of profes
sional opinion after Issue No. 1 had re ached
certain persons in the writing field. BAG)
From Western Horseman Boss
“Dear Ben: Just looked over Vol. 1,
No. 1, of Voice of the Tennessee
Walking Horse and want to send
along my heartfelt congratulations.
You are off to a good start, and here
is wishing you much success—both to
you and to the breed. Sincerely, Dick
Spencer, III, Editor, The Western
I-Iorseman, 3850 N. Nevada Ave.,
Colorado Springs, Colo.”
(Note—Dick, you are indeed a Good Friend.
Your magazine has been a true inspiration
to me. Last year a knowing person told me
you have more circulation than all of the
other horse magazines published for general
distribution. I believe him. Thank you for
permission to get my article from your De
cember, 1961, issue re-printed in the Con
gressional Record. Hope to do that real soon
for a special reason. BAG.)
(Continued on Page 29)
From J. Glenn Turner
(We arc especially grateful and
pleased, to receive the following from
a very good friend—President J.
Glenn Turner of the Tennessee Walk
ing Horse Breeders and Exhibitors’
Association of America:)
"Dear Ben:
"Just a note to tell you that I en
joyed very much reading your new
monthly publication entitled ‘Voice of
the Tennessee Walking Horse.' This
is certainly a fine magazine and one
that I think will be of great help to
the Tennessee Walking Horse.
"Thanking you for your continued
interest in Walking Horses, and with
kindest personal regards. Sincerely
yours, J. Glenn Turner, 1940 Mer
cantile Dallas Bldg., Dallas 1, Texas.”
dian) but of 333 West First St., Day-
ton, O., during rest of year; President
Alan Stevenson, P. O. Box 24, Utica,
N. Y., was reelected president of the
New York-New England Tennessee
Walking Horse Assn, and also heads
the American Walking Horse Assn.
Yes, friends, it’s breakthrough year.
And we forgot to add that the
V oice got its start in March, the
V oice Editor will start on May 26 giv
ing his full time six days a week to the
Tennessee Walking Horse, and will
have his training book with the
printer by June 30 and have it ready
for distribution (probably) at the