1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | Page 32

Mqrch, 1962 30 Chonges Prices Celebrqtion Rushes Plons; Adds Box Seots;Information regarding Celebration l. Thompson' --ei'tti.ir Virtually continuous preparations Henry se*""fing the directors ap- tickets and othef matters can be ofJ,'"fi;'-[;i;: have been under d" celebration to writing bv seats.in 1,350 cured lo"add bration Grounds i"'drrilyrTu":;;;: p.;;;Ji.pr;j".:! done by erecting ficials ai P .o. Box 192' shelbyville, ring ready for an .r"i,^"ti1g!"i i1;t ilo*"i. rdis ivitt be at the south end -lenn' superstructure ;;;?J T;ir"errce Wulk-ing-Fi3it" Xu- steel^stadium and providing 225 stables installed last August to care tional celebration ,h;;-X"g. 27-sept. of the for 130 horses in overflow facilities containingiix chairi' l, according to president wlc. ruie, ro*er-each for Satur- haYe been integmted into the permaticket-costs in change A Ir. them Association mem- d"y;ighi;n[-wa; also-approved by nent barn arraigements-giving ''rh" celebration than 800 more of only capacity iright total a saturday the aiiE.to.r. tnJ ;"bers met early in i;;;;t-;"4 The pri"r ritt become gl for child*ren and horses, scu^dder'has announced' elected all seven dir".;;;:. Thir;"rd for used were and stables tempo.arv admission; 130 udutts'geneial b1 !.,; met later and re-eleci"a "rioffit""' canvass with Ceiebration I96i the $a fo, rererved"seutr. They are Tune, pr.ria""i;"Wliii"* phil admission books roofs. Noir pel'manent roofs have been w""r.-lo"g.general parlier, banker, L. installed. other rtorks is being done "i.op."ria."t; *.;;";ii;dd'r'om g6.to 97. J. Scudder, manaser.Tl;;:i;l;';,iil: p"urt th" adhission prices on on thc glounds bv a maintenance tne in ries, secrerary_treasurer;";;;i _q;;;: Li;id sut"'Juv ,n*l' r".. Tho,i'u,';;;i I1oDcrL M. tors, Robert l'"i'"'.iii'l'j'lq be ex-Il1-':i:1:i:"'".'iir"i;d, and-seating--area"will the-arena adults' general ad- iI"* "!:'li.9":,"::'-l::''l'.1: ai"", "lra gl for I C. Tr;;iJ HenrY Adamson, thelew to allo^'rr'.for resErved seats. tended somewha,t for witfr $t.fO -irriotr, in baturday prices, officials seats at the south end of the stands. il;;; ,,cHAMploN coLTS', For sore TOp 'EARLINGS HORSES PTEASURE BROOD chqrles MARES Mortin Tenn. ph.Be3-0776 Loscossos, Moore h_ 1La. Ph. 8e3-1672 Buddy Moore Murfreesboro, Tenn. 66o I said,., 1_.-t: T:d"^:1'"1'::--.Popeia"tion.and "t:: I nOnSE MAGAZINES gie"rty increased.o-rl.of additional facilities' eipense"^of HoRsE ,!ll I !q. jn 196l rPLur.'1' wdD spent tiran +uu'vvu Vo.e fjlall $60,000 was '"": II National 'ADDLE ^MERT'AN .... $Z.gq $1.99 monthly I NIOre ,.^.il1.'l'iii,i', *ution.t Horseman, except ran. 7.00 improvements and acqutsttlon oL I Siio-r',i-'a Biidie,'monthly, o'::::' I on lm 6.00 9t/2 acres riraking the I t';'.',*ilY;l'tl..tlfj".:"1:: | "" "ldirional approximately 50 acres' total 3.50 . I grounds I*:,.!3["j:il'"..1ny:::'i..Tl.'.... celebration.hu:-J"- :lTt"-^T^t I """"' p'NrEs I Th: maintenance funds other than rev-e- | Ar.ri.rn she.and pony Journat 4'00 nues from operations-and its admis- I monttrir' t"'01..111..^..^^-^^ " ' below far been I ;;;;#;;i;"e .the I _" ",""-,",^ ^,tlgtt"t"gl"*t":: ,.oo I ;;;;;i f"";;;;;;";i;;vent of similar I *in"ch+"nl;'Jf"h"J,#',lo!'oh,*'ll't: ofhgial_s pointed 9,yl . | magnirude, I ?lg?g,lfi;:t--r...JJla,'iillt*,i'0..0'lllilt 9:33 LUL box seats wrll Drrng t'9".9-"to."r*,P]gest, monthlv, utulr uL o[ the Raaitlon nuut I . s.oo II 'l{Jll capacrtY L() uuls I -.l1ll'ydiiilif seatrns & p..-un.*^'":li"s.:111'l:v.I^': nocky -ou'artlf -nriise, .ltountatn'Th^oroushbred I Permanent^ I 4'00 . iJsiues ro Satur| Atteidun^ce at the Satul'ihan 17,000. Attendance | 'tnun I "i::: ;;;r";;lGi-*u' I'ii*",1.r I lnllljli'*'l':i 'J.lli"**tff; 'llll'' I| i;;;iJil ;';;;?ih;" io,ooo persons with paict I BREEDS oitan,tuna" 18,750. I llf,cKENZlE STABLES Petersiown, Wesi Virgini,o I nrabian Horse News, 10 issues . . I y,l:t1il"t''i'.?i.lo"llltinii"ol monthlv .. .. . Jorirnal, monthly I oujrtdi Quarter Horse Journal, X:33 . fll .. .. . tnternational Quarter Horse " iltii eook, quarterlv 'Digest, MonthlYHorse Quartdr - Jieest size . . . . .. 'weeklv & Fair WESTERN western Horseman, 4.00 monthlY on 3.00 5.00 2.00 Quarter Horses READY TO SHOW VISITORS WETCOME J. M. ond DAVID McKENZIE, Owners Phone PLS 3-4303 2.00 .......... 2'25 World, ..... ..... ........9.00 Voice oi the Tenn. Walkins- Horse, monthly, devoted exclusively to the breed . 4.00 {Harness) Horseman Western--All Breeds-PlentY SUITABLE FOR AMATEURS 3:33 4'00 4'uu pinio' Horse News. bi-monthlv riirsJ iovbi.-iii:mrintnrv, r6 isiuii WALKING HORSES FOR ALL AGES 3'00 .... Hoofs & Horns, monthly rodeos .... The Ranchman. monthlv, Cattle & Horses Texas Horseman, mo., magazine of ...3.00 western ridine The Horsetrader,- m., national classified ads 2.00 Horse lllustrated, monthlY . Modern Horseman, monthlY, for . .. 4.00 Midwest ...3.00 monthlv 3'oo Pissin Strins. news of Club activities, i-hows, rodlos, particularly West coast, & Quarter Horse Bulleti-n. information and articles of vital inierest to the Quarter Horse Breeder 3.00 Rodeo Soorts News, twice monthly, official publicition of the Rodeo Cowboys' Assn. .. 4.00 Rush in Your order today. magazines as you wish, with only order as many -money order payable t0 Ken Kimbel. one check or your ordbr and r'emittance t0 ihen mail oHB Ma;azine KEN KIMBEI, DePt. V Plont City, Flo.