Moior Wilson Exhibition Scheduled
For AWHA School At lndiqnqpolis
Hobig Stqbles
Trqin All Yesr
Voice of the Tennessee Wolking Horse 29
Moior Wilson Exhibition Scheduled
For AWHA School At lndiqnqpolis
Ben A . Green- Shelbyville , Tenn .
Flosh . I96I Worlds Chcmpion Wolking Horse Mojor Wilson to be exhibited ot the Americon Wolking Horse School in lndionopolis , lnd ., April 13 ond I4 ot the Stote Foir Grounds . Con you insert in mogozine ?
Mrs . Poul G . Schock , ' I048 North Jefferson St ., Huntington , lnd .
The Central States Walking Horse
Association is really " Walking up a slorm . ' rel ) orts Mrs . Helen Shock ol Huntingtoh , Ind . They are getting readr to co-sponsor the annuaI American \\ -alking Horse Assn . judging sclrool .\ pril- 13-14 at Indianapolis , Ind . at tlie State Fairgrounds .
The ] larotr Hotel is headquarters for the association meeting and this hostelry is fairly close to the fair grounds . It is ready to welcome all visitors we hope to have at this twoday school , Mrs . Shock adds .
There will be discussions of all
You are personally invited to attend the American Walking Horse Association ' s annual meeting and Judging School at the lndiana State Fairgrounds in lndianapolis , April 13-14 . We expect to have Major Wilson with us for an exhibition in addition to our Horse Show entrants . Headquarters will be at the Marott Hotel near the Fairgrounds . The Central States Walking Horse Association is co-sponsor for our school . Our program includes :
Friday , April 13-At Fairgrounds , 9:30 a . m .,
Regisiration and discussions on TWH history , conformation , Show Ring Preparation , Equitati on .
Friday , April 13-At Fairgrounds , i p . m ., Training , All Gaits , Ailments and Treatment , Judges ' Cards , Sample Class , Assn . Meeting .
Friday , April 13-At Hotel Marott , Reception , Dinner , Speaker , Panel Discussion , Student Judges ' Examinations . phases of training , equitation getting ready for the shon ' ring , etc . There rvill be classes on Saturday , April 14 and everyone always looks forward to " show time ."
" This is a very wonderful school for exhibitors , breeders and judges
. anyone interested in Walking Fforses ," Mrs . Shock explained . " The discussions are given by very competent men , well qualilied in cach given subject . A social good time is always had by everyone and we take this opportunity to welcome everyone
. come and have a good time . . the first spring sholv in these parts
. . . show vour horses and meet everyone and have lun ."
Central Srares Walking Horse r \ ssn . officers for 1962 are : Presidenr ,
Harold W . Thomas , Indianapolis ; vice-president , Mrs . Harold W . ( Linda ) Thomas , same address ; secretary-treasurer , I . oyd Fahl , Huntington , Ind .; publicity reporter , Mri .
Helen Shock , Huntington . Members are from Indiana , Michigan and Ohio .
President Maurice L . Peacock of the American Walking Horse Association lives in Snow Hill , Maryland , with P . O . Box address 48 . He invites all Walking Horse peoplc to the Judging School and meeting . The detailed program is listed
rn an announcement in the Voice on this page .
Fellow officers in the AWHA are
Vice-presidents Allan Stevenson P . O . Box 24 , Utica , N . Y .; R . E . Stumpff , Honeybrook , Reedsville , Pa .; Dr . -T. L . Gorsuch , 316 Lynn Lane , \ Alaynesboro , Va .; Board Chairman , F { erman
E . Kimsey , 1723 G Streer , N . W ., \ A / ashington , D . C .; Secretary-Treasurer Nlargaret H . Peacock , 204 S .
Church St ., Snow Hill , NId .
This group met last , vear at Lebanon , Pa .
Hobig Stqbles
Trqin All Yesr
Regisfered Wolkers For Sole
Training Tennessee Walking Horses is a year-around activity at the
Arnold Habig Stables at Jasper , Indiana , despite the rugged winter , says Nlanager ' T ' rainer Harold Hayes . This is said to be the newest major ffaining stables in the state . Jasper is situated on the U . S . Highway 231 in South Indiana . Visitors are invited . The Habig farm covers 150 acres near the family ' s summer home . The big barn can accommodate 20 horses with roorn { or training inside . They have an exclusive contract to shol ' v
horses lor thc Kimball Piano arrd
Organ Company . lfhe Habig children , Doug , 15 and Barbara , 12 , rvill ride and show in various classes this season .
Manager Hayes says seven horses are being worked for the show ring now with others also in training . The show mounts include :
Tropicai Gold , a 4-year-old sorrel gelding by Midnighr Sun , who tied second in the 3-year-old class stake at the Indiana State I ' air and was third ig the Chicago Internarional junior class last December ; Sun ' s Golden Falcon , a full 3-yearoid brother to Tropical Gold ; Fancy Reward , a black gelding who " can really rear back and clo three show gaits ; l , ady ' s Honeycomb , a sorrel mare oxt of a Merry Go Boy mare ; Sun ' s Florida Sunshine , a big bay male .
There is also Gold Shadow , a l-yearold Go Boy ' s Shadow our of Deep Purple , the dam of 1960 World ' s
Champinn Mack K ' s Handshaker ; and .
Midnight H , d , a 7-year-old chesrnur gelding recently purchased to be ridden by the Habig chilclren this sum-
11lEI .
GoId Shadolt , is in foal to several mal ' es at Pi ' esent .
Choice Yeorling Studs , Fillies ond Mores ln Fool ln Moy
Maurice L . Peacock , President American Walking Horse Assn . P . 0 . Box 48 , Snow Hill , Md .
Bor 7 T Ronch ELMO , Montqnq
On the shores of Beouiiful FLATHEAD LAKE , On U . S . 93-35 miles south of Kolipsell , Montono