1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | Page 24

Mqrch, I962 22 Add. Registrotions (Contirtued lrom Page 20) IIP'S SIREN, m' bY Go BoY's- Sun- St'\ Allen' loalett rlr Asain 'Eo. out of Iudy Wilson r-s6i. d''unit, George w' Pettit' ilIv ton, Kv. Pririce "ilxnion's ]IISTY MoR\. m' bY Esres of Roan Princess Allen N" x"'ir"t.i i."r.,i lt"n""112, 1960. Ot'ner, George W' Pririceton' KY. Pettit. ^ "cij'eoY s MERRV GRACE. m' by Shelias t;n gnn ottt of Rambling Mary Warrcn' foaled'Mav I8, I96I. Ownet, Gcorge w' Princeton, Pettit, - KY. lu.'.t-up's RAMBLER' s, by Go Bol's suntln Asain out o[ Rambling Mary Warrelr' tolled"Aprit 20. 1960. owner, Georgc w' Pettit. "su.i Piinceton. KY. uF's coMMANDER. s, by co Boy's 5r.1n-up egain out of Winchester's Judy' i"ur"a' ,roiit 19, 196t. owner, George w' Piinceton, Pettit, - KY. SunJu.r-up's MISSI,E, m, by Co Boy's-foalcd out of Winchestir's Judy, r;" esain nlril "li, I960. Owncr, Georgc W' Pcttit' Prlinceton. Kv. SUll-UP'S BABY DOLL. m' bY Go BoY's sun-tjo Asain out of Roan Princess Allen i., toit.a"May 25, 1961. Ortner, George W' Pettit, Princeton, KY. \IISS GREEN ACRES. m, bY SmokeY Sttn, ou( of Miss Alabama E, foaled May 28' 1961' Owner, Archie M. Sink, Lexingtot, \'C-', FANCY'S LOVELY LINDA' m. bY Mack K's Rcbcl out o[ Sun's Fancy Pants, Ioaled May 20, 1961. C)wner, -Bvron E' Cabool, Mo. Coats, Doctor Prescribes Riding As Just Hobby; Phillips Mqkes lt Br-rsiness TakeitfromshelbyvilleBusinessgottoridingaTennesseeWalking pldastrre-and norv he finds Nf;;i;"Afnittipr-"i6n,l.rr.. \VaIk- Flott".for the Tennessee \Valking in himself tlocbeats inn-Horr. ridini ."toi"iy business. Horse Pleasrrrc experience." from knoiw f ;;i tilir. (Picturecl on two horses on this page.) He has learned a lot what makes ,,.onrin.r- rlre Tennessec walking Horse tick, It seems ,that phillips *u, physicai con- Iound oul there is much. pleasure rn various ,ff" ,iflrn with horse" and has begun aiii"* iE., appear olted iri the mid- the."pleasure in rhis phase o[ business a ctevelop ro t"ri""rr.pegpJe;i;;;;; ;;.,.,ir'ot breed' ,-r Jt t br tension, chaii-sitling, the i, t "'a generally and working late His ,,pleasur.e horse establishment" i"orrying is somet^hing rather new in an area houri. - is given the His doctor aclvisecl "sct out into where 1o m99h- emphasis gocs opeiation hi: lrorse"-but "show up a the open-enioy somethiit-take ^t'y tne firs-t..principle.s-becausc to back not frit'y ii. il;;;i';;ti'.,i,;'.k-r; a lvas llorse walking Tennessee i;;;'b_k;iaingl" rgrt: ;:"'iffil1r.:l3i:X'J"f.,"*',f i"."f: recognized as a show Horse' by s, BYRON WALK-ALONE JOHN, "i.ai:l::ry -i Rebel out or Peggy_.{me.G'^r9 "]:* Phillips and his son, Fred, J-t., qpgtMay 3, 1961. Orvner, Byron E. Coats, Cabool' ate a furniture store on Holland St. lr-r.-rl;. ti;,rrm in S.helblville' The H,aPP]' 'Holl'ow n,,t.,f rrli.riJl;;,i;ri;;'J;iy Stables are located on the Old Tullari, isot.'or"".r, Byron E. coats, cabool,"Mci. homa H i g h w a y. Phillips calls it SUN-NI, s.,by Prirle.o-f Hall "Happy" [ecause that operation is STROLLI\G -fraveling "hialthy and ,\llen out of .trrllie' foalcd Tan' l'i' ji--! "M.,,.,'g"', Spa'ta, . u l'iir g hirn both LovES RocKET, s. bv wilson's Btack Baron iloor.,, f.*;."o;;;'; CLASS PLEASURE HORSES FOLKS CAN TAKE HOME AND RIDE A Natural Pleasure Horse Two-Year OliI Gteen Broke Recselect, ride ond know my horses-l know their temperomentsJ Will Honestly Respeci Wiih Service Potentiol of Their Bosis the of Puichosers ommend These Horses to Potentiol to the Age, Experience qnd Desires of Anyone Concerned in Trying Out These Horses' I personolly FRED PHIIIIPS-SHEIBYVILIE, TENN. Business Phone MV 4-7778 HAPPY HOLTOW FARM Home Phone MU 4'5485