1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 December Voice | Page 23
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse
First iii Missouri
Beil A. Roberts of Jackson, Mo.
writes us that he owns a 27-year-oltl
Tennessee Walking Horse named
Lady Luck who was the first register
ed Walking Mare to be in Missouri.
She was bought in Columbia, Tenn.
as a 3-year-old.
Fox Hunts on Mare
Lamar Taylor of Taylor’s Kennel
Supplies, Rockford, Tenn., says he has
fox hunted for 45 years but never
rode or owned a horse that lie “likes
so well” as his walking mare—Sun’s
Beauty Queen.
Left Hospital, Glad
Of Celebration Trip
inspiring indeed is an interesting
letter from Mrs. Joyce Lee Yarian of
865 Oak Avenue, Lake Elmo, Min
She came to the Tennessee Walk
ing Horse Celebration despite the fact
that she had to step from a Minnesota
hospital into the car for the trip.
“I was so very tired but decidedly
happy when I drove into your home
state,” she wrote.
“It was a long way for a woman to
drive in three days. The Celebration
will stay locked in my memory for the
rest of my life, for more than one
“Everyone said I was crazy to leave
the hospital only three days after
major surgery to see a horse show. But,
thank goodness I did. It was a dream
come true, and certainly no ordinary
horse show.”
On returning home Mrs. Yarian
found she had too many Walking
Horse so she disposed of her stallion,
a 19-year-old who she says acted like
a 3-year-old.
Mrs. Yarian also told a heart-felt
story about a little stallion which was
credited with giving a 12-year-old girl
the will to live, after she became
heart-broken over the loss of her pony.
(Editor’s Note—Mrs. Yarian visited
in our home during the Celebration,
and told of her work in teaching
others to ride and also in her personal
training of Walking Horses. She is a
person of very small stature, but as
you can see she has great courage and
stamina. Her husband is a physician.
Get this long-playing RCA recording of a rollicking speech delivered
live before the Mid-South Horse Shows Association
Dr. Kenneth McFarland
Literally loaded with guffaws and gumption. A must for every
horse owner, breeder, and exhibitor! Entertain yourself, your
friends, and your club.
Dr. McFarland is introduced by O'Neil Howell.
The price of this record is $6.00. For immediate delivery send your
order to
Ben Howell & Son
138 South Second Street
Memphis 3, Tennessee
Pleasure Horse—Show Horses
You Are In Middle Tennessee
Come To Bell Buckle And
Ask Anyone Where
Train Their Tennessee Walking Horses
Bell Buckle, Tenn.
Phone BR 5-3891