20 December , 1962
Information Requested By Thunderbird Owner
Mrs . Archie D . Staley of Washtucna , Wash ., is anxious to get additional information on Thunderbird , by Chief ' s Allen , by Edward King Ochief by Roe ’ s Chief F-3 . His first dam was by Farrar ’ s Grade Allen , 2nd dam Bess Brooks , 3rd dam Old Beauty , 4th dam Maud .
He was bred by Isaiah Farrar of Flat Creek — Shelbyville Rt . 5 . Farrar was in the Air Force at the time the horse was foaled and his brother , Jim Farrar , showed the horse in the Breeders ' Futurity at the Celebrations in 1943-44 to win weanling and yearling honors .
The horse was then sold to Mr . Lem Motlow of Lynchburg , Tenn ., who apparently sold him within a short lime — according to information received by Farrar .
Mrs . Staley says she understands the horse came to Washington state when quite young , and the boxcar was lost . He was without food and water for a period of time and was said to be in poor physical condition when located .
" Thunderbird is a loved member of our family and we believe his colts are tops ,” Mrs . Staley writes .
“ In the past he was bred mostly to grade mares as The Tennessee Walking Horse is largely a newcomer out our way . I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who can fill in the blind spots in Thunderbird ’ s life .
‘‘ I would like to know about his show record , and he must have one as his tail has been cut and set . Also would appreciate any pictures of the aged gentleman while a younger horse .”
( Note — Indications are Thunderbird had experiences on the Pacific that would be of interest to Mrs . Staley . Perhaps readers can help her out there . BAG .)
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Millers of Xenia , O .; Become Walker Owners
Mrs . Richard K . Miller , Rt . 5 , Stevenson Road , Xenia , Ohio writes that she and Dr . Miller became Tennessee Walking Horse owners at the Celebration .
“ Although we have owned gaited horses , and Quarter Horses , we have wanted a Walker since we rode those of Colonel Wilkinson in Fort Worth back in 1948 ,” says Mrs . Miller .
“ The temptation proved too much for us at the Celebration and we came home with a yearling filly in tow — Easter ’ s Honey Bee , purchased from Mr . Louis Bowles . We plan to take her ‘ home to Tennessee ’ soon for training .
“ Our stay there was made even more enjoyable through the friendliness and consideration shown by all we met there .
“ We think you have a fine state with wonderful people and wonderful horses .”
( Note — yes , Mrs . Miller , friendliness is a habit with Tennessee people and the Celebration is to a large measure based upon the friendly feeling of people who have a mutal love and interest related to the Tennessee Walking Horse . BAG .)