1930's Women's fashion 15
Judy Garland: Hollywood Star
One of the most shining and rising movie stars of the 1930's was Judy Garland. With her big brown eyes and winning smile, Judy charmed all who met her. In fact, Judy was one of the top stars who popularized the pin curl hairstyle during the 1930's.
One of Judy's most pivotal moments in her career was when she played Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz" in 1939. It was one of MGH Studios' most prized and beloved film, led graciously by Judy Garland. In the film, Judy continued to dominate trends, exemp-lifying the "housewife" look with her simple blue and white hooverette dress and pigtails. The fabric used in the dress started a movement that some called the "ultimate American fabric". It was this very look that inspired women's fashion to continue on its feminine yet simple trend. However, it was also a bit glamorized by Hollywood magic. (stylists & makeup team)
Judy Garland's star power is the very thing that catapulted both herself and her look into the public eye, who watched and loved her with each step she took.
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