1920-AnnualReview-final | Page 5

With high-definition robotic cameras installed and a new OTT streaming platform , we programmed and launched a unique docuseries designed for virtual audiences : BSO Sessions . Aided by a new five-year collective bargaining agreement ( CBA ) with our musicians , we also charted a three-year artistic plan aligned with an international , multiyear Music Director Search ( launching in the 2021-22 Season of Discovery , with potential candidates and special events already confirmed for 2022-23 ).
Recognizing immediate need , we created a single Patron Support team inclusive of ticketing and contribution capability ; invested in a new shopping cart on BSOmusic . org to maximize efficiencies and user-friendliness ; and merged disparate development and marketing calendars into one . Taking advantage of closed public spaces , we also upgraded the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall to include entirely new wayfinding and signage , as well as a completely touchless experience .
Several educational programs thrived in the virtual realm , exploring topics and opportunities that would otherwise not normally be allotted time during traditional , in-person schedules . Although nothing replaces a live , in-person performance , by taking our Midweek Concerts virtual , we are now able to reach students , teachers , and families statewide and beyond , far past the boundaries of a traditional field trip .
In addition to an open invitation via our own BSO OffStage platform , burgeoning media partnerships including MPT and WBJC Radio brought the BSO to the homes , radios , businesses , livestream players , and smartphones of hundreds of thousands of Marylanders ( and beyond ). The BSO ’ s Summer with the Symphony series also set the stage for a more expansive annual State Tour in Summer 2022 .
Despite a hiring freeze , and recognizing that our internal culture reflects outwardly , we created a new staff position – the Vice President of Human Resources & Inclusion – with lead accountability for culture and equity so we can attract , hire , and retain a diverse and talented workforce , both staff and musicians . Additional achievements include the ( re ) activation of both DEI staff and Board committees , the crafting of a new Code of Conduct , and the collaborative curation of the BSO ’ s shared values : Creativity , Respect , Excellence , Engagement / Education , Diversity .
We launched an entirely new series of member engagement events to keep our donors close to the people and stories of the BSO , as well as incentivize others to give during a year away from our concert halls . Combined with new systems for cultivation , solicitation , and stewardship , including a portfolio structure for gift officers , the BSO saw an increase in total donor households .
Highlights include the 2021-22 Season of Discovery launch , a campaign that not only included more expansive print , digital , outdoor , and grassroots components , but also a design sensitivity that better visually reflected the BSO ’ s brand and intentionally inclusive programming . A new approach and new tools ( for social planning and media tracking ) also helped to garner significant media attention to the BSO ’ s programming , turnaround , and thought leadership .
The BSO ’ s five-year CBA was groundbreaking in terms of both its duration and outlining of near-term shared sacrifices for FY2021 . The Agreement looks to the future with a larger digital media footprint and places a priority on diversity , with provisions for annual orchestra trainings each year , as well as an evaluation of audition / tenure culture and procedures . There are also revised policies to acknowledge The Music Center at Strathmore as our second home , allowing more interaction with patrons there .
We have built towards a three-year goal of a more representative and potent board of 35 by 2023 , inclusive not only of race and gender diversity but also of geography , industry , social / political / financial capital , and expertise aligned with strategic plan actions . In just over one year , this has included growing from 25 to 28 Directors , as well as increasing our representation from Montgomery County by 4 %; of women by 9 %; and of BIPOC Directors by 14 %.
Above and beyond an expansion into digital concerts to connect with our patrons at a distance , the BSO invested in technology to empower our staff to work and learn safely at a distance . A new Microsoft Teams voice phone system was one of several movements to support a hybrid / remote workforce . Technology also enabled the continuation of programs like OrchKids and the BSYO .