15ISSUE Welcome to the VNB magazine September 2016 issue | Page 59

火锅的礼仪 在吃火锅前先了解一下重复蘸酱的规矩是什么,因为并不是每个人都 觉得舒服的。最保险的是使用煮菜的勺子。另外,找出客人中是否有 食物过敏或是对某种食物有强烈的反感也很重要。不要点那样的食物 或者你可以在那位客人吃完火锅后再煮那些菜。 4) Mix and matching taste Some foods are less neutral-tasting than others, and have the power to change the taste of the entire hotpot, so beware! Food such as the seafood balls, dumplings and all types of tofus tend to be more neutral-tasting, as do most white fish meat. Shellfish can impart a yummy umami sea-flavor. Meats are the most controversial, I often find. Chicken and pork have less controversial flavors, but mutton can impart a different taste to the soup base. 混合或者搭配口味 要当心的是,有些食物的口味比其他略重,所以有可能会把整个火锅 的口味都改变。像海鲜丸,饺子和各式的豆腐口味更温和些,大多数 的淡水鱼肉也是。贝类会搅和了一锅美味的海鲜口味。我通常发现肉 类是最容易串味的。鸡肉和猪肉最不会串味,但是羊肉会给汤底带来 另一种味道。 5) The hotpot connoisseur When you feel like you have the basics covered, master the advanced cooking techniques. Realize that there is a certain (logical) order to cooking your food.  火锅行家 当你觉得你知道了一些基本的火锅窍门,下面就要来掌握更高级的涮 火锅技巧。要知道涮火锅是有一定顺序的。 Before bringing the hotpot to a boil, add root vegetables like Carrot, Chinese Wild Yam and Lotus Root - obviously because these take longer to cook, but more subtly because they impart flavor and sweetness to your Mister Hotpot Signature Soup Base. 在煮沸火锅前,放入根类蔬菜,例如胡萝卜,中国野山药和莲藕。很显 然因为煮熟这些食物需要更长的时间,但隐晦的说是因为他们为锅大爷 的招牌汤底增添了风味和甜味。 Just as the broth comes to a boil, add the items that take moderately long to cook, such as the Fish Cake Roll, Quail Egg, Fish Noodle, Pork Sausage, Fried Bread Stick, meat balls, but also vegetables that need some time to wilt, such as Napa Cabbage or Wooden Mushroom. When these are cooked, you can start putting in the items that cook in a flash, such as leafy vegetables like Garland Round Leaf and Spinach, and also thinly sliced raw meats and fish. 当汤底沸腾的时候,加入那些需要较长时间来煮熟的食物,例如鱼蛋 卷,鹌鹑蛋,鱼面,猪肉肠,炸面包棒,肉丸,还有一些蔬菜需要更长 时间来煮透,例如绍兴白菜,木耳等。当这些东西煮熟后,你就可以开 始放入瞬间能熟的食物。例如叶子类蔬菜像茼蒿和菠菜,还有切成薄片 的生肉和鱼片。 Finally, when you’re about done, you can cook the starchy items like Rice Cake, Shanghai Noodle, or Potato Noodle. These will soak up all the flavor and taste that have been building up in your Mister Hotpot Signature Soup Base, and will taste wonderful as a final dish. 最后,当你快全部煮完了,你可以煮一些淀粉类的食物,例如年糕,上 海面或者红薯面。这些食物会吸收锅大爷招牌汤底中积累的所有味道, 吃 上去就像非常可口的最后一道佳肴。 But obviously, these advices are not exhaustive or prescriptive, the most important thing is still to explore and enjoy your Mister Hotpot experience with your friends and family! 显然,这些建议不是完全的或是规范的,最重要的还是去探索和尽情与 你的家人、朋友享受锅大爷给你带来的味觉体验。 V N BMAGAZ I N E.CO M 59