Experiencing Ramadan
"You can’t even drink water? How can you not eat or drink for consecutive hours?"
"Are you at least allowed to swallow your own saliva?" These were some of the
questions most people had been asking the Hult Muslim students for the last 3
weeks. The curiosity of everybody got us to put together the Fastathon event,
where we had a chance to share the facts and purpose behind the month of Ramadan. After a challenge and a great experience of fasting for 8 hours, participants of
the event rotated between 5 different classrooms learning more about the behavioral, social, religious, spiritual, and health benefits of Ramadan. As the Azan voice
came up at 08:30 it was time for the most awaited time of the night: the food! With
over 15 different traditional dishes, the Ramadan experience just left everyone in
great happiness and appreciation.
As we take our f inal tests, give our last presentations, and
say goodbye to our 1355 Hult home, we leave you with a
few parting words. Today we are Hult Students and soon we
will be Hult Alum, but regardless of where we we go from
here, we will always be the 2014 Hult SF Family. Thank you
for supporting 1355, it has been a pleasure to showcase
your work and we hope you have gotten as much enjoyment
from reading as we have from making.
Your 1355 Editors
- Graxi, Irene, Kayla, Laura, and Chinedu
This module you are so full of good
energy that people might get a little suspicious. You
know how to deal with complexity and your team expects the best from you. For the singles among us:
keep your eyes open, the year ain’t over yet!
Your friends were of great support lately!
Keep that in mind for later encounters. If things don’t
feel quite right to you, it’s time to move on and seek a
better place for your energies. Take care of your health!
be grateful. Real happiness one finds in small things.
You have experienced some amazing moments
during rotation. Keep your feet on the ground though. Try
to take a second look at your work and issues affecting
you and your people this week. You may simply need to
take a different approach - don’t hesitate to ask for help!
Virgo: Your brain is buzzing with curiosity about some
Aquarius: Feeling lost? A good friend that you underestimated comes to your rescue without you having to ask. Go, enjoy the moment, and don’t forget to
You may know what you want, but that
doesn’t mean that anyone else is paying attention.
It’s better to do your own thing than keep helping
others in the hopes that they’ll eventually help you in
return. After all, graduation is really close!
new wrinkle in your social world. This is the perfect time
to ask the right questions and make sure you are getting
hold of the situation and figure out the truth. Mercury
creates some disturbances in your financial situation.
Libra: It’s a great time to handle the boring business
Rotation has been upsetting your habits
and lifestyle. There is just a wee bit too much going
on. Try to enjoy the last couple of weeks, this is a
once in a lifetime experience! For the hard core San
Franciscans: be open to the newcomers. You will be
rewarded in the end.
Taurus: Life just got a little more intense – which
could be good or bad. You have to get moving in
order to finally get that job you always wanted. Don’t
sit around and wait!
You've been lacking in motivation and
spirit lately. Find a way of refocusing and plan ahead.
Your new dedication will lead you to your destination,
where new waves of energy will light your way.
of daily life. The rotation and new people on campus energize you and your ability to keep up with assignments.
Your new team is unequaled!.
Scorpio, an intense encounter turns into
something much more interesting, so make sure you
are prepared and ready. At this point anything could happen!! Your terrific personality carries your whole team
and is a beacon to those who are in your life.
This module you are all too willing to
pitch in and lend a hand, but before you overcommit,
make sure you are aware of your own limits. It is time to
take matters into your own hands and finally tell that one
person what you really think of him/her.