10th Annual University Research Conference | Page 19

Jiselle Kenny and Jacob Kelly ( P ) Creating Healing Environments in the ICU As patients are trying to heal in the ICU , they are bombarded with loud alarms , bright lights , drab rooms , and constant chatter . These lights and noises prevent patients from getting good rest that would allow them to heal faster . Our presentation will focus on how ICUs can reduce their noise and alarms and create calming environments for their patients , which will aid in the patients ’ recovery .
Caitlin Kirsteier ( P ) Debriefing Death Death and dying are common phenomena experienced by all nurses . Caring for a dying patient at the end of their life is psychologically stressful , and the death of a patient can provoke strong emotions that deserve recognition . Unfortunately , a culture of ignoring grief still stands as a healthcare norm , and not all organizations provide nurses with substantial post-death support . My presentation will focus on how hospitals can implement unit-based post-death huddles to serve as a stepping-stone to support nurses after the death of a patient .
Audrey Kristensen ( P ) Supporting Unit Transitions for Floated Staff Nurses Many nurses dislike being floated to unfamiliar units . While these nurses may be very experienced and very skilled , by its nature working in an unfamiliar environment is stressful and can result in delayed or less efficacious patient care . The goal of this proposal is to conduct evidencebased research into supporting unit transitions when staff nurses are floated . Research will be focused on how units can decrease wasted time due to lack of familiarity of unit resources and flow to help floated nurses provide effective care .
Demadelye Navarro , Stephanie Johnson , Tiesha Osbourne , and Tara Brown ( P ) Self-Care for Caregivers Self-care is the purposeful engagement is strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance well-being . The likelihood of experiencing burnout and compassion fatigue in helping professions increases when self-care is not prioritized . Educational and interactive group sessions with activities focused on varying therapies , including music , earthing , dancing , and laughter , where adapted for caregivers at Mustard Seed Communities in Jamaica . This was implemented to promote stress reduction and provide quality care .