10th Annual University Research Conference | Page 18

Julia Bates , Julia Rainer , and Nicole Tasey ( In ) The Relationship between English Learners ’ Cultural Identities and Their Behavior in the Classroom This research examines the impact of cultural identities on the behaviors exhibited by English Learners ( ELs ) in the classroom . The research analyzes the linguistic and sociocultural differences and explores how they influence student engagement and classroom interactions . Using philosophical and qualitative research methods , the objective sought to uncover patterns and challenges our ELs express in the classroom . The findings and implications emphasize the importance of implementing culturally responsive teaching strategies to cultivate an inclusive learning environment . Recognizing the differing ethnic dynamics accentuates the educators ’ ability to support ELs while promoting a culturally competent academic setting .
Kristina Bergey and Jennifer Okada ( P ) The Benefits of Psychological Preparedness of Nursing Students to Face Trauma and Patient Death During Clinical Experience Death and dying is an inevitable and traumatic experience coupled with emotional complexities that potentiate the risk of negative stressors . Through personal experience and literature , it is evident that there is inadequate psychological preparedness of pre-licensure nurses to face trauma and death during clinical exposure . Current nursing school programs reveal a direct correlation to student distress associated with end-of-life care during clinical exposure . We propose a multi-faceted approach focusing on faculty training , amending curriculum , and developing psychological first aid teams . Our goal is to ensure nursing students ’ psychological well-being and healthy coping skills for successful clinical experiences and professional development .
Anna Buglio and Misha Khudiakov ( P ) Standardizing Shift Report Using Epic During our clinical experiences , we have observed a need to update and standardize the nursing change of shift report . To address this , our idea is to use Epic EMR . The Epic system can extract data from patient records for the preceding 4 , 8 , 12- or 24-hour care period to significantly streamline the shift handoff routine . Epic will gather the data on critical changes in the patients ’ status to include in the shift report . Nurses can utilize this to save time and focus more on patient care tasks , engage in collaborative rounds , or conduct procedures together . Standardizing this process through Epic could save considerable time spent rewriting information on paper . We intend to communicate this idea to the Epic support team which encourages the sharing of ideas aimed at improving patient care quality .