10:10 for Children — Theme 1 | Page 25

01 — Finding Happiness
Instructions 1 2
Continue by asking the group to define happiness . You can let them come up with answers and / or give them some options from the list on screen and ask them to guess or vote which they think is closest to what they think .
How would you know if you were happy or not ? Try and explain what happiness feels like .
Show on screen — slide no . 25
As you can see , there are lots of different ways we can describe happiness and we will all experience happiness in different ways . However , what all these have in common is that happiness usually feels good . When we are happy , we usually have positive feelings and feel satisfied . The key is to learn as many different ways to experience happiness that are good for us .
Instructions 1 2
Continue by now exploring times when we are not happy .
Is it possible to be happy all the time ?