01 — Finding Happiness
Show on screen — slide no . 17
The second thing that makes us happy , is not just having stuff — it ’ s doing good stuff . Not any old stuff though , not whatever we feel like . It has to be doing stuff that is helpful , to us , or to other people . It ’ s a bit sneaky really . If we set out to do stuff to make ourselves happy , we only get so far . But if we set out to help others , for example we make or do things to bring joy to others , that ’ s when happiness creeps up on us too ! We suddenly find ourselves being happier !
In fact , doing certain things are proven to actually make us happy . For instance , forgiving people is scientifically proven to make us feel happier . Giving things or time to people does the same . If you do those things , and mean them , you will feel happier .
Also , our brains are made in a way that gives us pleasure when we experience and discover new things . So , going out and trying new things is going to make us happy , as long as we remember to make good choices and do the right things .