01 — Finding Happiness
you could ask some follow up questions , ask for comments , reinforce the main points you felt came from it , or just move on to the next section .
Film — Twist : Finding Happiness R 1
What did Twist say about happiness ?
Film — Finding Happiness 1 2
What were the main things this film was telling us ? Ask for comments and reinforce the main points you felt came from it
Mind The Gap
5 – 10 min
Section Aim
To understand that happiness can wear off and that there are more ways to find happiness than just having things . To think about things that might not make us happy .
Start by playing a simple game of ‘ If You ’ using the questions below , and invite responses . Go on to discuss together the impact of doing the same things over and over again and highlighting that having lots of things isn ’ t the only way to find happiness .
You could start this activity by offering the children something nice to eat like chocolate , sweets , or crisps ( be aware of allergies ). If you opt to bring in a treat you could simplify the discussion by asking what would it be like if you kept eating this same treat all the time and then jump to the script below . You could also bring the treat to the group wrapped up like a present and invite them to guess what it might be . Then ask someone to open it . This object lesson would tie in with the following script too .
Questions R 1 2
If you could eat just one food for the rest of your life what would you eat ? If you could eat only one flavour of crips what flavour would you eat ? If you could only watch one film / TV programme for the rest of your life what would it be ? If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life what would you listen to ? If you could go on a day trip every day for a year where would you go ? If you could go on holiday every year to the same place where would you go ?