101 Homes completed - Amoria Bond & Project Peru - Summary Amoria Bond Project Peru Summary 2017 | Page 20
Amoria Bond Charitable Trust
About Project Peru Children’s Refuge
It costs £1000 a year to keep each child in the Project Peru refuge. Every penny given goes directly to
support the grassroots work in Peru. There are 52 children living with Project Peru and sponsorship
helps ensures their future!
Project Peru's refuge is an oasis in the desert shanty towns of Lima, a welcoming, caring, fun and
above all a safe haven for all the children who live with there, and for all those who devote their time
to looking after them and inspiring them.
At the heart of the family in the refuge, of its activities, celebrations, and challenges, are the children,
which the Amoria Bond Charitable Trust initiative is dedicated to helping raise funds to enable the
refuge to go on supporting the growing number of children from extreme poverty and great moral risk
whose home is Project Peru.
Project Peru continue to build houses, to support the local shanty town areas and forgotten Andean
communities in very practical ways, and their secret garden is producing amazing organic salads and
vegetables and fruit trees, the library is inspiring everyone with reading groups where children
discover new worlds, and we have our new hairdressing 'salon', teaching new skills. So many positive
outcomes achieved through music, dance, play therapy and much, much more, despite the huge
challenges we face every day.
Your generosity empowers Project Peru to go on supporting those living in extreme poverty, offering
dignity and independence, and breaking the cycle of poverty.