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W H Y M A R K E T I N G A N A L Y T I C S H A S N ’ T L I V E D U P T O I T ’ S P R O M I S E

In two major analytics trends , we notice a contradiction . According to the most recent results of the CMO Survey , which was conducted by Duke University ' s Fuqua School of Business and sponsored by Deloitte LLP and the American Marketing Association , the percentage of marketing budgets companies plan to allocate to analytics will increase by 198 percent over the next three years , from 5.8 percent to 17.3 percent . Despite the fact that top marketers indicate that the impact of analytics on company-wide performance is still modest , with an average performance score of 4.1 on a seven-point scale , where 1 equals not at all effective and 7 equals highly effective , these gains are projected . More importantly , this performance impact has shown little increase over the last five years , when it was rated 3.8 on the same scale .