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W H Y B E I N G E V E R Y W H E R E I S B A D ?

That ' s right : adding MORE will frequently detract from the outcomes of everything else you ' re working on .
It ' s time to simplify your decision-making process so you can sharpen your focus and select the best marketing techniques for you and your company . So , how do you know which marketing methods are a good fit for your company — and which ones you should avoid ? I have three steps that can assist you in aligning your marketing plan with your Business Sweet Spot :
Step 1 : Know Your Strengths It is simple enough , but the truth is that most of us fail to recognise our own abilities . What motivates us to do this ? Because it ' s simple to think that if something comes readily to you , it will come easily to everyone else ! The truth is that our competitive edge is based on our strengths ! Your strengths are what set you apart from other people who are doing similar tasks . You become laser focused on what you do best when you tap into your skills . Do you stand out from the crowd ? Something you can ' t do if you ' re wasting your time on too many marketing strategies .
Step 2 : Invest in Your Strengths Knowing your strengths isn ’ t enough ? it ’ s essential to understand how you can develop and use them to help your business stand out . We live in a society that often tells us we need to not focus on our strengths but work on our weaknesses ? but this is the opposite of how the most successful entrepreneurs in the world became successful .
They know that when you attempt to improve your areas of weakness , you ’ ll only incrementally improve your results . When you focus on improving your areas of strengths , when you build your skills in those specific areas , you ’ ll see exponential results and improvement . In terms of your investment of time and energy ? Entrepreneurs see a greater Return on Investment when you focus on your strengths . How Can You Invest in Your Strengths ? Invest In Your Maker Strengths : Delivering a stellar customer experience , showcasing your work and asking for referrals { in fact if you ’ re work is AMAZING , those referrals will come without asking because you made your client look incredible }.
Step 3 : Double Down on Your Business The real secret to long-term success is not just understanding and building on your strengths . It ’ s doubling down on what is working for you and staying consistent . Too often I see entrepreneurs who can ’ t stop watching what everyone else is doing , and as a result they get trapped by comparison . We start thinking we should try something new because so-and-so is raving about how great this new thing is ! Once you understand your Business Sweet Spot you now have a filter . You can decide if these new strategies fit under your core strength and skill sets . If they don ’ t , then just say no ! The most successful entrepreneurs often keep their marketing simple and strategic because they know that doubling down on what works and staying consistent is the secret sauce to long term success . Just remember ? there is a LOT more upside for you { aka higher ROI } when you dive into learning how a strategy really works then refining it over time .