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ReadGalatians 6 v 2
5. Benjamin Fernando from Sri Lanka writes,
?There is no such thing as a separate individual gospel and a separate social
gospel. There is only one gospel—a redeemed man in a reformed society…
Social problems assume greater importance in Christianity than in Buddhism
or Hinduism. The theory of Karma and rebirth gives a fairly reasonable
explanation for social inequalities of this life which on the one hand are
consequences of the previous life and on the other hand can be compensated
for in the next life. But to a Christian there is only one earthly life and so social
problems have to be dealt with now or never.?
Do you agree with his assessment that “social problems have to be dealt with
now or never”? Why or why not?
6. The Bible reveals at least three causal factors for poverty: injustice and
oppression; circumstantial calamity; and personal failure. Do you agree? Can you
give examples of these from the Bible or from your own experience?
7. “It’s natural to want to help people who are like you, who like you, and who you
like.” What would it mean for you, specifically, to help people who are not like
you, who do not like you, and who you do not like?
8. Jonathan Edwards once was preaching on how important it was to give to the
poor. Someone later objected, “I can’t afford to give to the poor.” Edwards
responded with an application of Galatians 6:2.
?In many cases, we may, by the rules of the gospel, be obliged to give to
others, when we cannot do it without suffering ourselves… If our neighbour’s
difficulties and necessities be much greater than our own, and we see that he is
not like to be otherwise relieved, we should be willing to suffer with him, and to
take part of his burden on ourselves; else how is that rule of bearing one
another’s burdens fulfilled? If we are never obliged to relieve others’ burdens,
but when we can do it without burdening ourselves, then how do we bear our
neighbour’s burdens, when we bear no burden at all??
Do you agree that we are not only to help others with our excess time, money,
and emotional resources, but that we are to give until it burdens us? What will
this mean for you?