1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Work - Cultivating The Garden | Page 10
Think about ways that you can put your faith into action in the area of showing
mercy to the poor and marginalized. Pray that you would find the time and the
heart to volunteer. Encourage others to partake in the volunteer opportunity which
you have chosen.
Luke 10 v 25 – 37
Read the above story again, and then answer the questions which follow.
1. On the basis of Jesus’ teaching, who is our neighbour?
2. ??[??&]?H[Y[X?\????\????[Z[H[???\?????\?X[????[][?]H?\???????\??\?\?[\??]H?]H?YH[?]?H??[?H?????[??Y\??H??\??ZY???\??H????[??][?\?\?H?]Y?H???^H?\??H\??X[?[????[???\????YYYH?X\????H??\?X[?]H??XY[?H??X[?[\\?K?H?X???X[????\???X???H?]?\?[Y?HY?Y\??\Y[ZX???\???X?\??H??\?X[???&H?XX?[??HY?Y\?Y??\?Y?[X]X?[H???H]???B???XZ[?Z[?Y?Z][??Y][?[?]Z\?X?Y?[?\?K??H[\[?\??[[X[?????\?X[??H?\????HZ\????]?\??\?[]?\?[?H?[??YH]?\?[?HX??ZY???H\??H??X[?[\\???[X[?