1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Witness - An alternate City | Page 8

selection. Everything about us is there because it helped us survive. That is the “purpose” of life — to survive. • The problem The problems of the world are basically due to competition that produces winners and losers. • The solution Empirical investigation and scientific implementation can eliminate many human problems, and in the end the process of evolution moves us “ahead.” 2. Psychodynamism - worldview(a catch-all phrase for contemporary individualistic psychology growing out of Freud) • The purpose Though this view assumes the scientific worldview of naturalism, it also has roots in Romanticism, which stressed the purpose of individual freedom and discovering our inner self and passion. • The problem Human beings are made up of basic primal desires for pleasure and an understanding that these desires must be limited to live in society. Unloving, repressive families and societies are to blame for the imbalance between desires and the conscience, and between the individual and society. • The solution Becoming conscious of our true desires, and fulfilling them as much as possible, short of infringing on the freedom of others to do the same. Challenge Point: Considering the above “worldviews” answer the questions below: - How is the worldview partly true? - How does the gospel cleanse and resolve its story?