1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Witness - An alternate City | Page 7
We must educate people so that reason triumphs over their bodies and appetites.
We must put the most educated citizens, for example the philosophers, in charge of
2. Many traditional religions - worldview
• The purpose
There are two worlds, the eternal and the temporal, and this temporal world is the
less important. Our purpose is to live a good, moral life and to prepare for eternity.
• The problem
Our problem is moral failure and lack of virtue. Because we do not live the good
lives we should, the world has problems.
• The solution
With divine help and the help of the religious community, we make our greatest
moral effort to become good and virtuous people who love our families and help
the world. This will prepare us for the next world.
Challenge Point: Considering the above “worldviews” answer the questions
- How is the worldview partly true?
- How does the gospel cleanse and resolve its story?
John 14 v 2 – 4
Jude 20 – 23
James 1 v 26 – 27
The second group of worldviews is the Naturalistic group.
1. Scientific Naturalism - worldview
• The purpose
History is a linear movement linked by cause and effect. There is no reality beyond
the physical. Everything is the product of biological evolution by means of natural